Tag Archives: AWS

Announcing on-demand data replication for Amazon FSx for OpenZFS

This post was originally published on this site

Today we’re adding to Amazon FSx for OpenZFS the capability to send a snapshot from a file system to another file system in your account.

You can trigger the copy with one single API call or CLI command, and we take care of the rest. You don’t need to use commands like rsync and monitor the state of the transfer. The service takes care of the copy on your behalf. It manages potential network interruptions and retries automatically until the transfer completes. It transfers data incrementally at block level using OpenZFS’s native send and receive capabilities.

This new capability helps you to maintain agility by, for example, allowing quicker and easier creation of testing and development environments, and performance improvements by simplifying the management of read replicas to provide scale-out performance.

Amazon FSx for OpenZFS is a fully managed file storage service that lets you launch, run, and scale fully managed file systems built on the open source OpenZFS file system. FSx for OpenZFS makes it easy to migrate your on-premises ZFS file servers without changing your applications or how you manage data and to build new high-performance, data-intensive applications on the cloud.

Snapshots are one of the most powerful features of ZFS file systems. A snapshot is a read-only copy of a file system or volume. Snapshots can be created almost instantly and initially consume no additional disk space within the storage pool. When a snapshot is created, its space is initially shared between the snapshot and the file system and possibly with previous snapshots. As the file system changes, space that was previously shared becomes unique to the snapshot. The snapshot consumes incremental disk space by continuing to reference the old data and so prevents the space from being freed. Snapshots can be rolled back on-demand and almost instantly, even on very large file systems. Snapshots can also be cloned to form new volumes.

Snapshots are block-level copies. They are more efficient to transfer than traditional file-level copies, where the system must sometimes traverse millions of files to detect the ones that changed. Transferring an incremental snapshot is also more efficient than transferring an incremental file-based copy because snapshots are incremental at block level. They only contain blocks modified since the last snapshot.

On-demand replication of ZFS snapshots allows the transfer of terabytes of data using the native send and receive capability of OpenZFS without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. We detect and manage network interruptions and other types of errors for you, making it easier for you to replicate data across file systems.

There are two main use cases where you might want to use this new capability.

Developers and quality assurance (QA) engineers might send on-demand snapshots to development and testing environments. It allows them to work with production data, ensuring accurate testing and development outcomes. The use of recent snapshots as consistent starting points for testing enhances the efficiency of the development and testing processes.

Data engineers might use on-demand replication to run parallel experiments on a dataset. Imagine your application processes a large dataset. You want to run multiple versions of your data processing algorithm on the same base dataset to find the best tuning for your use case. With on-demand data replication, you can create multiple identical copies of your file system and run each experiment in parallel.

Let’s see how it works
To prepare this demo, I use the FSx for OpenZFS section of the AWS Management Console. First, I create two Amazon FSx for OpenZFS volumes. Then, I mount the two file systems on one Amazon Linux instance (/zfs-filesystem1 and /zfs-filesystem2). I prepare a file on the first volume, and I expect to find the same file on the second volume after an on-demand replication.

ZFS file

To synchronize data between my two volumes, I navigate to the snapshot section of the console. Then I select Copy snapshot and update volume. I also have the option to copy the snapshot to a new ZFS volume.

ZFS snapshot replication - 1

On the Copy snapshot and update volume page, I select the destination File system and Volume. I also confirm the source snapshot. I choose the Source snapshot copy strategy, either requesting a full copy or an incremental copy. When ready, I select Update.

ZFS snapshot replication - 2

After a while—how long depends on the amount of data to transfer—I observe a new snapshot listed on the destination volume. In my demo scenario, it just takes a few seconds.

ZFS snapshot replication - 3

I return to my Linux instance and list the content available in my second mount point /zfs-snapshot. I am happy to see my cow ASCII art on the second file system ????????.

ZFS the same file is available on teh volume restored from the snapshot

Alternatively, I can automate on-demand transfers using the new FSx APIs: CopySnapshotAndUpdateVolume and CopySnapshotAndCreateVolume.

To set up an ongoing periodic replication, I use the provided CloudFormation template to create an automated replication schedule. When deployed, the system periodically takes a snapshot of the volume on the source file system and performs an incremental replication to a volume on the destination file system. For example, I could schedule replication to a development file system to happen once every 15 minutes for testing purposes.

Pricing and availability
This new capability is available in all AWS Regions where FSx for OpenZFS is available.

It comes at no additional cost. AWS charges the usual fees for network data transfer between Availability Zones.

You pay standard FSx for OpenZFS charges for the amount of storage used by the remote file system.

The new on-demand replication for Amazon FSx for OpenZFS allows you to efficiently transfer incremental file system snapshots to a new volume on your account. It allows developers and QA engineers to work with copies of production data and data engineers to run parallel experiments on datases.

Now go build and configure your first on-demand replication today!

— seb

AWS Lambda functions now scale 12 times faster when handling high-volume requests

This post was originally published on this site

Now AWS Lambda scales up to 12 times faster. Each synchronously invoked Lambda function now scales by 1,000 concurrent executions every 10 seconds until the aggregate concurrency across all functions reaches the account’s concurrency limit. In addition, each function within an account now scales independently from each other, no matter how the functions are invoked. These improvements come at no additional cost, and you don’t need to do any configuration in your existing functions.

Building scalable and high-performing applications can be challenging with traditional architectures, often requiring over-provisioning of compute resources or complex caching solutions for peak demands and unpredictable traffic. Many developers choose Lambda because it scales on-demand when applications face unpredictable traffic.

Before this update, Lambda functions could initially scale at the account level by 500–3,000 concurrent executions (depending on the Region) in the first minute, followed by 500 concurrent executions every minute until the account’s concurrency limit is reached. Because this scaling limit was shared between all the functions in the same account and Region, if one function experienced an influx of traffic, it could affect the throughput of other functions in the same account. This increased engineering efforts to monitor a few functions that could burst beyond the account limits, causing a noisy neighbor scenario and reducing the overall concurrency of other functions in the same account.

Now, with these scaling improvements, customers with highly variable traffic can reach concurrency targets faster than before. For instance, a news site publishing a breaking news story or an online store running a flash sale would experience a significant influx of visitors. Thanks to these improvements, they can now scale 12 times faster than before.

In addition, customers that use services such as Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift with scalar Lambda-based UDFs to perform data enrichment or data transformations will see benefits from these improvements. These services rely on batching data and passing it in chunks to Lambda, simultaneously invoking multiple parallel functions. The enhanced concurrency scaling behavior ensures Lambda can rapidly scale and service level agreement (SLA) requirements are met.

How does this work in practice?
The following graph shows a function receiving requests and processing them every 10 seconds. The account concurrency limit is set to 7,000 concurrent requests and is shared between all the functions in the same account. Each function scaling-up rate is fixed to 1,000 concurrent executions every 10 seconds. This rate is independent from other functions in the same account, making it easier for you to predict how this function will scale and throttle the requests if needed.

  • 09:00:00 – The function has been running for a while, and there are already 1,000 concurrent executions that are being processed.
  • 09:00:10 – Ten seconds later, there is a new burst of 1,000 new requests. This function can process them with no problem because the function can scale up to 1,000 concurrent executions every 10 seconds.
  • 09:00:20 – The same happens here: a thousand new requests.
  • 09:00:30 – The function now receives 1,500 new requests. Because the maximum scale-up capacity for a function is 1,000 requests per 10 seconds, 500 of those requests will get throttled.
  • 09:01:00 – At this time, the function is already processing 4,500 concurrent requests. But there is a burst of 3,000 new requests. Lambda processes 1,000 of the new requests and throttles 2,000 because the function can scale up to 1,000 requests every 10 seconds.
  • 09:01:10 – After 10 seconds, there is another burst of 2,000 requests, and the function can now process 1,000 more requests. However, the remaining 1,000 requests get throttled because the function can scale to 1,000 requests every 10 seconds.
  • 09:01:20 – Now the function is processing 6,500 concurrent requests, and there are 1,000 incoming requests. The first 500 of those requests get processed, but the other 500 get throttled because the function reached the account concurrency limit of 7,000 requests. It’s important to remember that you can raise the account concurrency limit by creating a support ticket in the AWS Management Console.

Example of a function scaling

In the case of having more than one function in your account, the functions scale independently until the total account concurrency limit is reached. After that, all new invocations will be throttled.

These scaling improvements will be enabled by default for all functions. Starting on November 26 through mid-December, AWS is gradually rolling out these scaling improvements to all AWS Regions except China and GovCloud Regions.

If you want to learn more about Lambda’s new scaling behavior, read the Lambda scaling behavior documentation page.


IAM Access Analyzer updates: Find unused access, check policies before deployment

This post was originally published on this site

We are launching two new features for AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer today:

Unused Access Analyzer – A new analyzer that continuously monitors roles and users looking for permissions that are granted but not actually used. Central security teams can take advantage of a dashboard view that will help them to find the accounts that can most benefit from a review of unused permissions, roles, and IAM users.

Custom Policy Checks – Validation that newly authored policies do not grant additional (and perhaps unintended) permissions. You can exercise tighter control over your IAM policies and accelerate the process of moving AWS applications from development to production by adding automated policy reviews to your CI/CD pipelines and custom policy tools.

Let’s take a look at today’s launches!

Unused Access Analyzer
You can already create an analyzer that monitors for external access. With today’s launch you can create one that looks for access permissions that are either overly generous or that have fallen into disuse. This includes unused IAM roles, unused access keys for IAM users, unused passwords for IAM users, and unused services and actions for active IAM roles and users.

After reviewing the findings generated by an organization-wide or account-specific analyzer, you can take action by removing permissions that you don’t need. You can create analyzers and analyze findings from the AWS Management Console, CLI, or API. Let’s start with the IAM Console. I click Analyzers and settings in the left-side navigation:

I can see my current analyzers (none, in this case). I click Create analyzer to proceed:

I specify Unused access analysis, leave the default tracking period of 90 days as-is, and opt to check my account rather than my Organization, then I click Create analyzer:

My analyzer is created, and I check back a little while later to see what it finds. My findings were available within a minute, but this will vary. Here are some of the findings:

As you can see, I have lots of unused IAM roles and permissions (clearly I am a bad Role model). I can click on a Finding to learn more:

If this is a role that I need, I can click Archive to remove it from the list of active findings. I can also create archive rules that will do the same for similar findings:

The external access analyzer works in a similar way, and is a perfect place to start when you are new to Access Analyzer and are ready to find and remove extra permissions:

The dashboard gives me an overview of all active findings:

If I create an analyzer and specify my Organization as the Zone of trust, I can also view a list that shows the accounts that have the largest number of active findings:

This feature is also available from the command line. I can create a new analyzer like this:

$ aws access-analyzer create-analyzer --type ACCOUNT_UNUSED_ACCESS 
  --analyzer-name OneWeek 
  --configuration '{"unusedAccess" : {"unusedAccessAge" : 90}}'
|                              CreateAnalyzer                              |
|  arn|  arn:aws:access-analyzer:us-east-1:348414629041:analyzer/OneWeek   |

I can list the findings, perhaps all I want is the actual resource Ids to start:

$  aws access-analyzer list-findings-v2 
  --analyzer-arn  arn:aws:access-analyzer:us-east-1:123456789012:analyzer/OneWeek 
  --output json |
 jq -r '.findings[] | .resource'


I can archive findings by Id:

$ aws access-analyzer update-findings  
  --analyzer-arn arn:aws:access-analyzer:us-east-1:123456789012:analyzer/OneWeek 
  --status ARCHIVED --ids "f0492061-8638-48ac-b91a-f0583cc839bf"

And I can perform the same operations using the IAM Access Analyzer API.

This feature is priced based on the number of IAM roles analyzed each month and is available in all AWS Regions where IAM is available.

Custom Policy Checks
You can now validate that IAM policies adhere to your security standards ahead of deployments and proactively detect non-conformant updates to policies. This will help you to innovate more quickly, move apps from development to production more efficiently, and to have confidence that any changes you make represent your intent.

Let’s start with my allow-all-ssm policy:

For illustrative purposes, I edit it to add S3 access:

Then I click Check for new access, confirm that I understand that a charge will be made, and click Check policy:

The automated reasoning verifies the policy and tells me that I did enable new access. If that was my intent I click Next to proceed, otherwise I rethink my changes to the policy:

This is a very simple and contrived example, but I am confident that you can see how useful and valuable this can be to your security efforts. You can also access this from the CLI (check-no-new-access) and API (CheckNoNewAccess).

There’s also another command and function that is designed to be used in your CI/CD pipelines, AWS CloudFormation hooks, and custom policy tools. check-access-not-granted and CheckAccessNotGranted accept a policy document and a permission such as s3:Get*, and check to make sure that the policy does not grant the permission. You could use this, for example, to make sure that a policy which specifies that Security Hub should be disabled cannot be deployed. This will help you to move from development to production with the confidence that your policies adhere to your organization’s security standards.

This feature is priced based on the number of checks that are performed each month and is available in all AWS commercial and AWS GovCloud Regions.

Learn more
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer


External endpoints and testing of task states now available in AWS Step Functions

This post was originally published on this site

Now AWS Step Functions HTTPS endpoints let you integrate third-party APIs and external services to your workflows. HTTPS endpoints provide a simpler way of making calls to external APIs and integrating with existing SaaS providers, like Stripe for handling payments, GitHub for code collaboration and repository management, and Salesforce for sales and marketing insights. Before this launch, customers needed to use an AWS Lambda function to call the external endpoint, handling authentication and errors directly from the code.

Also, we are announcing a new capability to test your task states individually without the need to deploy or execute the state machine.

AWS Step Functions is a visual workflow service that makes it easy for developers to build distributed applications, automate processes, orchestrate microservices, and create data and machine learning (ML) pipelines. Step Functions integrates with over 220 AWS services and provides features that help developers build, such as built-in error handling, real-time and auditable workflow execution history, and large-scale parallel processing.

HTTPS endpoints
HTTPS endpoints are a new resource for your task states that allow you to connect to third-party HTTP targets outside AWS. Step Functions invokes the HTTP endpoint, deliver a request body, headers, and parameters, and get a response from the third-party services. You can use any preferred HTTP method, such as GET or POST.

HTTPS endpoints use Amazon EventBridge connections to manage the authentication credentials for the target. This defines the authorization type used, which can be a basic authentication with a username and password, an API key, or OAuth. EventBridge connections use AWS Secrets Manager to store the secret. This keeps the secrets out of the state machine, reducing the risks of accidentally exposing your secrets in logs or in the state machine definition.

Getting started with HTTPS endpoints
To get started with HTTPS endpoints, first you need to create an EventBridge connection. Then you need to create a new AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role and give permissions so your state machine can access the connection resource, get the secret from Secrets Manager, and get permissions to invoke an HTTP endpoint.

Here are the policies that you need to include in your state machine execution role:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:*:*:secret:events!connection/*"
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "RetrieveConnectionCredentials",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "InvokeHTTPEndpoint",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

After you have everything ready, you can create your state machine. In your state machine, add a new task state to call a third-party API. You can configure the API endpoint to point to the third-party URL you need, set the correct HTTP method, pick the connection Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the connection you created previously as the authentication for that endpoint, and provide a request body if needed. In addition, all these parameters can be set dynamically at runtime from the state JSON input.

Call a third party API

Now, making external requests with Step Functions is easy, and you can take advantage of all the configurations that Step Functions provides to handle errors, such as retries for transient errors or momentary service unavailability, and redrive for errors that require longer investigation or resolution time.

Test state
To accelerate feedback cycles, we are also announcing a new capability to test individual states. This new feature allows you to test states independently from the execution of your workflow. This is particularly useful for testing endpoints configuration. You can change the input and test the different scenarios without the need to deploy your workflow or execute the whole state machine. This new feature is available in all task, choice, and pass states.

You will see the testing capability in the Step Functions Workflow Studio when you select a task.

Test state button

When you choose the Test state, you will be redirected to a different view where you can test the task state. You can test that the state machine role has the right permissions, the endpoint you want to call is correctly configured, and verify that the data manipulations work as expected.

How to test a state

Now, with all the features that Step Functions provides, it’s never been easier to build state machines that can solve a wide variety of problems, like payment flows, workflows with manual inputs, and integration to legacy systems. Using Step Functions HTTPS endpoints, you can directly integrate with popular payment platforms while ensuring that your users’ credit cards are only charged once and errors are handled automatically. In addition, you can test this new integration even before you deploy the state machine using the new test state feature.

These new features are available in all AWS Regions except Asia Pacific (Hyderabad), Asia Pacific (Melbourne), AWS Israel (Tel Aviv), China, and GovCloud Regions.

To get started you can try the “Generate Invoices using Stripe” sample project from Step Functions in the AWS Managment Console or check out the AWS Step Functions Developer Guide to learn more.


Amazon EKS Pod Identity simplifies IAM permissions for applications on Amazon EKS clusters

This post was originally published on this site

Starting today, you can use Amazon EKS Pod Identity to simplify your applications that access AWS services. This enhancement provides you with a seamless and easy to configure experience that lets you define required IAM permissions for your applications in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters so you can connect with AWS services outside the cluster.

Amazon EKS Pod Identity helps you solve growing challenges for managing permissions across many of your EKS clusters.

Simplifying experience with Amazon EKS Pod Identity
In 2019, we introduced IAM roles for service accounts (IRSA). IRSA lets you associate an IAM role with a Kubernetes service account. This helps you to implement the principle of least privilege by giving pods only the permissions they need. This approach prioritizes pods in IAM and helps developers configure applications with fine-grained permissions that enable the least privileged access to AWS services.

Now, with Amazon EKS Pod Identity, it’s even easier to configure and automate granting AWS permissions to Kubernetes identities. As the cluster administrator, you no longer need to switch between Amazon EKS and IAM services to authenticate your applications to all AWS resources.

The overall workflow to start using Amazon EKS Pod Identity can be summarized in a few simple steps:

  • Step 1: Create an IAM role with required permissions for your application and specify pods.eks.amazonaws.com as the service principal in its trust policy.
  • Step 2: Install Amazon EKS Pod Identity Agent add-on using the Amazon EKS console or AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).
  • Step 3: Map the role to a service account directly in the Amazon EKS console, APIs, or AWS CLI.

Once it’s done, any new pods that use that service account will automatically be configured to receive IAM credentials.

Let’s get started
Let me show you how you can get started with EKS Pod Identity. For the demo in this post, I need to configure permission for a simple API running in my Amazon EKS cluster, which will return the list of files in my Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.

First, I need to create an IAM role to provide the required permissions so my applications can run properly. In my case, I need to configure permissions to access my S3 bucket.

Next, on the same IAM role, I need to configure its trust policy and configure the principal to pods.eks.amazonaws.com. The following is the IAM template that I use:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Service": "pods.eks.amazonaws.com"
            "Action": [

At this stage, my IAM role is ready, and now we need to configure the Amazon EKS Pod Identity Agent in my cluster. For this article, I’m using my existing EKS cluster. If you want to learn how to do that, visit Getting started with Amazon EKS.

Moving on, I navigate to the Amazon EKS dashboard and then select my EKS cluster.

In my EKS cluster page, I need to select the Add-ons tab and then choose Get more add-ons.

Then, I need to add the Amazon EKS Pod Identity Agent add-on.

On the next page, I can add additional configuration if needed. In this case, I leave the default configuration and choose Next.

Then, I just need to review my add-on configuration and choose Create.

After a few minutes, the Amazon EKS Pod Identity Agent add-on is active for my cluster.

Once I have Amazon EKS Pod Identity in my cluster, I need to associate the IAM role to my Kubernetes pods.

I need to navigate to the Access tab in my EKS cluster. On the Pod Identity associations section, I select Create Pod Identity association to map my IAM role to Kubernetes pods.

Here, I use the IAM role that I created in the beginning. I also need to define my Kubernetes namespace and service account. If they don’t exist yet, I can type in the name of the namespace and service account. If they already exist, I can select them from the dropdown. Then, I choose Create.

Those are all the steps I need to do to configure IAM permissions for my applications running on Amazon EKS with EKS Pod Identity. Now, I can see my IAM role is listed in Pod Identity associations.

When I test my API running on Amazon EKS, it runs as expected and returns the list of files in my S3 bucket.

curl -X https://<API-URL> -H "Accept: application/json" 

   "files": [

I found that Amazon EKS Pod Identity simplifies the experience of managing IAM roles for my applications running on Amazon EKS. I can easily reuse IAM roles across multiple EKS clusters without needing to update the role trust policy each time a new cluster is created.

New AWS APIs to configure EKS Pod Identity
You also have the flexibility to configure Amazon EKS Pod Identity for your cluster using AWS CLI. Amazon EKS Pod Identity provides a new set of APIs that you can use.

For example, I can use aws eks create-addon to install the Amazon EKS Pod Identity Agent add-on into my cluster. Here’s the AWS CLI command:

$ aws eks create-addon 
--cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> 
--addon-name eks-pod-identity-agent 
--addon-version v1.0.0-eksbuild.1

    "addon": {
    "addonName": "eks-pod-identity-agent",
    "clusterName": "<CLUSTER_NAME>",
    "status": "CREATING",
    "addonVersion": "v1.0.0-eksbuild.1",
    "health": {
        "issues": []
    "addonArn": "<ARN>",
    "createdAt": 1697734297.597,
    "modifiedAt": 1697734297.612,
    "tags": {}

Another example of what you can do with AWS APIs is to map the IAM role into your Kubernetes pods.

$ aws eks create-pod-identity-association 
  --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> 
  --namespace <NAMESPACE> 
  --service-account <SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME> 
  --role-arn <IAM_ROLE_ARN>

Things to know

Availability – Amazon EKS Pod Identity is available in all AWS Regions supported by Amazon EKS, except the AWS GovCloud (US-East), AWS GovCloud (US-West), China (Beijing, operated by Sinnet), and China (Ningxia, operated by NWCD).

Pricing – Amazon EKS Pod Identity is available at no charge.

Supported Amazon EKS cluster  – Amazon EKS Pod Identity supports Kubernetes running version 1.24 and above in Amazon EKS. You can see EKS Pod Identity cluster versions for more information.

Supported AWS SDK versions – You need to update your application to use the latest AWS SDK versions. Check out AWS developer tools to find out how to install and update your AWS SDK.

Get started today and visit EKS Pod Identities documentation page to learn more about how to simplify IAM management for your applications.

Happy building!

New Amazon WorkSpaces Thin Client provides cost-effective, secure access to virtual desktops

This post was originally published on this site

The new Amazon WorkSpaces Thin Client improves end-user and IT staff productivity with cost-effective, secure, easy-to-manage access to virtual desktops. The devices are preconfigured and shipped directly to the end user, ready to deploy, connect, and use.

Here’s my testing setup:

The Thin Client is a small cube that connects directly to a monitor, keyboard, mouse, and other USB peripherals such as headsets, microphones, and cameras. With the optional hub it can also drive a second monitor. The administrator can create environments that give users access to Amazon WorkSpaces, Amazon WorkSpaces Web, or Amazon AppStream 2.0, with multiple options for managing user identities and credentials using Active Directory.

Thin Clients in action
As a very long-time user of Amazon WorkSpaces via a thin client, I am thrilled to be able to tell you about this device and the administrative service behind it. While my priority is the ease with which I can switch from client to client while maintaining my working context (running apps, browser tabs, and so forth), administrators will find it attractive for other reasons. For example:

Cost – The device itself is low cost ($195 in the United States), far less expensive than a laptop and the associated operating system. Because the working environments are centrally configured and administered, there’s less work to be done in the field, leading to further cost savings. Further, the devices are far simpler than laptops, with less parts to break, wear out, or replace.

Security – The devices are shipped with a secure “secret” that is used to establish a trust relationship with the administrative service. There’s no data storage on the device, and it cannot host rogue apps that could attempt to exfiltrate data. It also helps to reduce risk of data leakage should a worker leave their job without returning their employer-supplied laptop.

Ease of Management – Administrators can easily create new environments for users or groups of users, distribute activation codes to them, and manage the environment via the AWS Management Console. They can set schedules for software updates and patches, verify compliance, and manage users over time.

Ease of Use – Users can unpack and connect the devices in minutes, enter their activation codes, log in to their virtual desktop environment, and start to work right away. They don’t have to take responsibility for installing software patches or updates, and can focus on their jobs.

There are lots of great use cases for these devices! First, there are situations where there’s a long-term need for regular access: call centers, task workers, training centers, and so forth. Second, there are other situations, where there’s a transient or short-term need for access: registration systems at large events, call centers stood up on a temporary basis for a special event or an emergency, disaster response, and the like. Given that some employees do not return laptops to their employers when they leave their job, providing them with inexpensive devices that do not have local storage makes a lot of sense.

Let’s walk through the process of getting set up, first as an administrator and then as a user.

Getting started as an administrator
The first step is to order some devices and have them shipped to my users, along with any desired peripherals.

Next, in my position as administrator, I open the Amazon WorkSpaces Thin Client Console, and click Get started:

Each Amazon WorkSpaces Thin Client environment provides access to a specific virtual desktop service (WorkSpaces, WorkSpaces Web, or Amazon AppStream 2.0). I click Create environment to move ahead:

I give my environment a name, indicate that I want patches applied automatically, and select WorkSpaces Web:

Next, I click Create WorkSpaces Web portal and go through those steps (not shown, basically choosing a VPC and two or more subnets, a security group, and an optional Private Certificate Authority):

I refresh, and my new portal is visible. I select it, enter a tag for tracking, and click Create environment:

My environment is ready right away. I keep a copy of the activation code (aci3a5yj) at hand to use later in the post:

I am using AWS Identity Center as my identity provider. I already set up my first user, and assigned myself to the MyWebPortal app (the precise steps that you take to do this will vary depending on your choice of identity provider):

Finally, as my last step in this process in my role as administrator, I share the activation code with my users (that would be me, in this case).

Getting started as a user
In my role as a user I return to my testing setup, power-on, go through a couple of quick steps to select my keyboard and connect to my home Wi-Fi, and enter my activation code:

Then I sign in using my AWS Identity Center user name and password:

And my WorkSpace is ready to use:

Administrator tools
As an administrator, I can manage environments, devices, and device software updates from the Thin Client Console. For example, I can review the list of devices that I manage:

Things to know
Here are a couple of things that are important to know:

Regions – The Thin Client Console is available in the US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Canada (Central), and Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland, Ireland, London) Regions.

Device Sales – The Amazon WorkSpaces Thin Clients are available in the United States now, with availability in other countries in early 2024.

Pricing – Devices are priced at $195, or $280 with an optional hub that allows you to use a second monitor. There’s a $6 per month fee to manage, maintain, and monitor each device, and you also pay for the underlying virtual desktop service.

Learn more
Visit the WorkSpaces Thin Client web page and Amazon Business Marketplace to learn more.


Detect runtime security threats in Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate, new in Amazon GuardDuty

This post was originally published on this site

Today, we’re announcing Amazon GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring to help detect potential runtime security issues in Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) clusters running on both AWS Fargate and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).

GuardDuty combines machine learning (ML), anomaly detection, network monitoring, and malicious file discovery against various AWS data sources. When threats are detected, GuardDuty generates security findings and automatically sends them to AWS Security Hub, Amazon EventBridge, and Amazon Detective. These integrations help centralize monitoring for AWS and partner services, initiate automated responses, and launch security investigations.

GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring helps detect runtime events such as file access, process execution, and network connections that might indicate runtime threats. It checks hundreds of threat vectors and indicators and can produce over 30 different finding types. For example, it can detect attempts of privilege escalation, activity generated by crypto miners or malware, or activity suggesting reconnaissance by an attacker. This is in addition to GuardDuty‘s primary detection categories.

GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring uses a managed and lightweight security agent that adds visibility into individual container runtime behaviors. When using AWS Fargate, there is no need for you to install, configure, manage, or update the agent. We take care of that for you. This simplifies the management of your clusters and reduces the risk of leaving some tasks without monitoring. It also helps to improve your security posture and pass regulatory compliance and certification for runtime threats.

GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring findings are visible directly in the console. You can configure GuardDuty to also send its findings to multiple AWS services or to third-party monitoring systems connected to your security operations center (SOC).

With this launch, Amazon Detective now receives security findings from GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring and includes them in its collection of data for analysis and investigations. Detective helps to analyze, investigate, and quickly identify the root cause of potential security issues or suspicious activities. It collects log data from AWS resources and uses machine learning, statistical analysis, and graph theory to build a linked set of data that enables you to easily conduct security investigations.

Configure GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring on AWS Fargate
For this demo, I choose to show the experience provided for AWS Fargate. When using Amazon ECS, you must ensure your EC2 instances have the GuardDuty agent installed. You can install the agent manually, bake it into your AMI, or use GuardDuty‘s provided AWS Systems Manager document to install it (go to Systems Manager in the console, select Documents, and then search for GuardDuty). The documentation has more details about installing the agent on EC2 instances.

When operating from a GuardDuty administrator account, I can enable GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring at the organization level to monitor all ECS clusters in all organizations’ AWS accounts.

In this demo, I use the AWS Management Console to enable Runtime Monitoring. Enabling GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring in the console has an effect on all your clusters.

When I want GuardDuty to automatically deploy the GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring agent on Fargate, I enable GuardDuty agent management. To exclude individual clusters from automatic management, I can tag them with GuardDutyManaged=false. I make sure I tag my clusters before enabling ECS Runtime Monitoring in the console. When I don’t want to use the automatic management option, I can leave the option disabled and selectively choose the clusters to monitor with the tag GuardDutyManaged=true.

The Amazon ECS or AWS Fargate cluster administrator must have authorization to manage tags on the clusters.

The IAM TaskExecutionRole you attach to tasks must have permissions to download the GuardDuty agent from a private ECR repository. This is done automatically when you use the AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy managed IAM policy.

Here is my view of the console when the Runtime Monitoring and agent management are enabled.

guardduty ecs enbale monitoring

I can track the deployment of the security agent by assessing the Coverage statistics across all the ECS clusters.

guardduty ecs cluster coverage

Once monitoring is enabled, there is nothing else to do. Let’s see what findings it detects on my simple demo cluster.

Check out GuardDuty ECS runtime security findings
When GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring detects potential threats, they appear in a list like this one.

ECS Runtime Monitoring - finding list

I select a specific finding to view more details about it.

ECS Runtime Monitoring - finding details

Things to know
By default, a Fargate task is immutable. GuardDuty won’t deploy the agent to monitor containers on existing tasks. If you want to monitor containers for already running tasks, you must stop and start the tasks after enabling GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring. Similarly, when using Amazon ECS services, you must force a new deployment to ensure tasks are restarted with the agent. As I mentioned already, be sure the tasks have IAM permissions to download the GuardDuty monitoring agent from Amazon ECR.

We designed the GuardDuty agent to have little impact on performance, but you should plan for it in your Fargate task sizing calculations.

When you choose automatic agent management, GuardDuty also creates a VPC endpoint to allow the agent to communicate with GuardDuty APIs. When—just like me—you create your cluster with a CDK or CloudFormation script with the intention to delete the cluster after a period of time (for example, in a continuous integration scenario), bear in mind that the VPC endpoint must be deleted manually to allow CloudFormation to delete your stack.

Pricing and availability
You can now use GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring on AWS Fargate and Amazon EC2 instances. For a full list of Regions where GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring is available, visit our Region-specific feature availability page.

You can try GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring for free for 30 days. When you enable GuardDuty for the first time, you have to explicitly enable GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring. At the end of the trial period, we charge you per vCPU per hour of the monitoring agents. The GuardDuty pricing page has all the details.

Get insights about the threats to your container and enable GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring today.

— seb

Introducing Amazon EC2 high memory U7i Instances for large in-memory databases (preview)

This post was originally published on this site

The new U7i instances are designed to support large, in-memory databases including SAP HANA, Oracle, and SQL Server. Powered by custom fourth generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors (Sapphire Rapids), the instances are now available in multiple AWS regions in preview form, in the US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Seoul), and Europe (Frankfurt) AWS Regions, as follows:

Instance Name vCPUs
Memory (DDR5)
EBS Bandwidth
Network Bandwidth
u7in-16tb.224xlarge 896 16,384 GiB 100 Gbps 100 Gbps
u7in-24tb.224xlarge 896 24,576 GiB 100 Gbps 100 Gbps
u7in-32tb.224xlarge 896 32,768 GiB 100 Gbps 100 Gbps

We are also working on a smaller instance:

Instance Name vCPUs
Memory (DDR5)
EBS Bandwidth
Network Bandwidth
u7i-12tb.224xlarge 896 12,288 GiB 60 Gbps 100 Gbps

Here’s what 32 TiB of memory looks like:

And here are the 896 vCPUs (and lots of other info):

When compared to the first generation of High Memory instances, the U7i instances offer up to 125% more compute performance and up to 120% more memory performance. They also provide 2.5x as much EBS bandwidth, giving you the ability to hydrate in-memory databases at a rate of up to 44 terabytes per hour.

Each U7i instance supports attachment of up to 128 General Purpose (gp2 and gp3) or Provisioned IOPS (io1 and io2 Block Express) EBS volumes. Each io2 Block Express volume can be as big as 64 TiB and can deliver up to 256K IOPS at up to 32 Gbps, making them a great match for the U7i instance.

On the network side, the instances support ENA Express and deliver up to 25 Gbps of bandwidth per network flow.

Supported operating systems include Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Enterprise Linux Server.

Join the Preview
If you are ready to put the U7i instances to the test in your environment, join the preview.


Amazon Detective adds new capabilities to accelerate and improve your cloud security investigations

This post was originally published on this site

Today, Amazon Detective adds four new capabilities to help you save time and strengthen your security operations.

First, Detective investigations for IAM help security analysts investigate AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) objects, such as users and roles, for indicators of compromise (IoCs) to determine potential involvement in known tactics from the MITRE ATT&CK framework. These automatic investigations are available in the Detective section of the AWS Management Console and through a new API to automate your analysis or incident response or to send these findings to other systems, such as AWS Security Hub or your SIEM.

Second, Detective finding group summaries uses generative artificial intelligence (AI) to enrich its investigations. It automatically analyzes finding groups and provides insights in natural language to accelerate security investigations. It provides a plain language title based on the analysis of the finding group with relevant summarized insights, such as describing the activity that initiated the event and its impact, if any. Finding group summaries handles the heavy lifting of analyzing the finding group built across multiple AWS data sources, making it easier and faster to investigate unusual or suspicious activity.

In addition to these two new capabilities that I describe in this post, Detective adds another two capabilities not covered here:

  • Detective now supports security investigations for threats detected by Amazon GuardDuty ECS Runtime Monitoring.
  • Detective now integrates with Amazon Security Lake, enabling security analysts to query and retrieve logs stored in Security Lake.

Amazon Detective makes it easier to analyze, investigate, and quickly identify the root cause of security findings or suspicious activities. Detective uses machine learning (ML), statistical analysis, and graph theory to help you visualize and conduct faster and more efficient security investigations. Detective automatically collects logs data and events from sources like AWS CloudTrail logs, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) Flow Logs, Amazon GuardDuty findings, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) audit logs, and AWS security findings. Detective maintains up to a year of aggregated data for analysis and investigations.

Cloud security professionals often find threat hunting and incident investigations to be resource-intensive and time-consuming. They must manually gather and analyze data from various sources to identify potential IAM-related threats. IAM investigations are particularly challenging due to dynamic cloud permissions and credentials. Analysts need to piece together data from different systems, including audit logs, entitlement reports, and CloudTrail events, which can be dispersed. Cloud permissions are often granted on-demand or through automation scripts, making authorization changes hard to track. Reconstructing activity timelines and identifying irregular entitlements can take hours or days, depending on complexity. Limited visibility into legacy systems and incomplete logs further complicates IAM investigations, making it difficult to obtain a definitive understanding of unauthorized access.

Detective investigations for IAM triage findings and surface only the most critical, suspicious issues, allowing security analysts to focus on high-level investigations. It automatically analyzes resources in your AWS environment to identify potential indicators of compromise or suspicious activity using machine learning and threat intelligence. This allows analysts to identify patterns and comprehend which resources are impacted by security events, offering a proactive approach to threat identification and mitigation.

The investigations are not only available in the console; you can use the new StartInvestigation API to automate a remediation workflow or collect information about all IP involved or AWS resources compromised. You can also use the API to feed the data to other systems to build a consolidated view of your security posture.

Finding group summaries evaluates the connections between security events across an environment and provides insights in natural language that link related threats, compromised resources, and malicious actor behavior. This narrative offers security analysts a comprehensive overview of security incidents that goes beyond individual service reports. By grouping and contextualizing data from multiple sources, finding group summaries identifies threats that might go unnoticed when insights are isolated. This approach improve the speed and efficiency of investigations and responses. Security analysts can utilize finding group summaries to gain a holistic understanding of security events and their interrelationships, helping them make informed decisions regarding containment and remediation.

Let’s see these two capabilities in action
In this demo, I start with Detective investigations for IAM in the Detective section of the console. The Detective dashboard shows me the number of investigations done and the number of IAM roles and users involved in suspicious activities.

Detective Automated Investifation - dashboard

From there, I drill down the list of investigations.

Detective Automated Investifation - list

And I select one specific investigation to get the details. There is a summary first.

Detective Automated Investifation - dashb

I scroll down the page to see what IP addresses are involved and for what type of activities. This example shows me a physical impossibility: the same IP was used in a short time from two different places, Australia and Japan.

Detective Automated Investifation - ip addresses

The most interesting section of the page, in my opinion, is the mappings to tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP). All TTPs are classified according to their severity. The console shows the techniques and actions used. When selecting a specific TTP, I can see the details in the right pane. In this example, the suspicious IP address has been involved in more than 2,000 failed attempts to change the trusted policy of an IAM role.

Detective Automated Investifation - ttps

Finally, I navigate to the Indicators tab to see the list of indicators.

Detective Automated Investifation - indicators

On the other side, finding group summaries is available under Finding groups. I select a finding group to receive a natural language explanation of the findings and risks involved.

Detective Gen AI Findings

Pricing and availability
These two new capabilities are now available to all AWS customers.

Detective investigations for IAM is available in all AWS Regions where Detective is available. Finding group summaries is available in five AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Singapore, Tokyo), and Europe (Frankfurt).

Learn all the details about Amazon Detective and get started today.

— seb

Top announcements of AWS re:Invent 2023

This post was originally published on this site

Welcome to Las Vegas, where excitement fills the air for the premier AWS event of the year – re:Invent 2023! Happening Nov. 27 – Dec. 1, re:Invent 2023 offers keynotes, training, Innovation Talks, AWS Builder Labs, and much more to inspire you on your cloud journey.

Can’t make it in person? Tune in to the live streams of the keynotes, and check back here as we provide daily updates on the most exciting product launches.

If you don’t want to miss a thing, here are a few more ways to keep in touch:

(This post was last updated: 5:05 p.m. PST, Nov. 26, 2023.)

Use natural language to query Amazon CloudWatch logs and metrics (preview)
To make it easy to interact with your operational data, Amazon CloudWatch is introducing natural language query generation for Logs and Metrics Insights.

Increase collaboration and securely share cloud knowledge with AWS re:Post Private
re:Post Private includes content tailored specifically for your organization’s use cases, along with private discussion and collaboration forums for the members of your organization and your AWS account team.

Use anomaly detection with AWS Glue to improve data quality (preview)
This new feature will help to improve your data quality by using machine learning to detect statistical anomalies and unusual patterns.

Mutual authentication for Application Load Balancer reliably verifies certificate-based client identities
With this new feature, you can now offload client authentication to Application Load Balancer, ensuring only trusted clients communicate with backend applications.

Check your AWS Free Tier usage programmatically with a new API
You can use the API directly with the AWS Command Line Interface or integrate it into an application with the AWS SDKs.

Use Amazon CloudWatch to consolidate hybrid, multicloud, and on-premises metrics
You can now consolidate metrics from your hybrid, multicloud, and on-premises data sources using Amazon CloudWatch and process them in a consistent, unified fashion.

Announcing cross-region data replication for Amazon WorkSpaces
Snapshots are taken every 12 hours, replicated to the desired destination region, and are used to provide a recovery point objective of 12-24 hours.

Amazon Transcribe Call Analytics adds new generative AI-powered call summaries (preview)
Powered by Amazon Bedrock, this feature helps businesses improve customer experience, and agent and supervisor productivity by automatically summarizing customer service calls.

Build generative AI apps using AWS Step Functions and Amazon Bedrock
Step Functions provides two new optimized API actions for Amazon Bedrock: InvokeModel and CreateModelCustomizationJob.

New Cost Optimization Hub centralizes recommended actions to save you money
This new AWS Billing and Cost Management feature makes it easy for you to identify, filter, aggregate, and quantify savings for AWS cost optimization recommendations.

Amazon CloudWatch Logs now offers automated pattern analytics and anomaly detection
Amazon CloudWatch can now automatically recognize and cluster patterns among log records, extract noteworthy content and trends, and notify you of anomalies using advanced machine learning algorithms.

Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus collector provides agentless metric collection for Amazon EKS
This new capability discovers and collects Prometheus metrics from Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) automatically and without an agent.

Optimize your storage costs for rarely-accessed files with Amazon EFS Archive
We’ve added a new storage class for Amazon Elastic File System optimized for long-lived data that is rarely accessed.

New Amazon CloudWatch log class for infrequent access logs at a reduced price
This new log class offers a tailored set of capabilities at a lower cost for infrequently accessed logs, enabling customers to consolidate all their logs in one place in a cost-effective manner.