Category Archives: AWS

Join the preview for new memory-optimized, AWS Graviton4-powered Amazon EC2 instances (R8g)

This post was originally published on this site

We are opening up a preview of the next generation of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. Equipped with brand-new Graviton4 processors, the new R8g instances will deliver better price performance than any existing memory-optimized instance. The R8g instances are suitable for your most demanding memory-intensive workloads: big data analytics, high-performance databases, in-memory caches and so forth.

Graviton history
Let’s take a quick look back in time and recap the evolution of the Graviton processors:

November 2018 – The Graviton processor made its debut in the A1 instances, optimized for both performance and cost, and delivering cost reductions of up to 45% for scale-out workloads.

December 2019 – The Graviton2 processor debuted with the announcement of M6g, M6gd, C6g, C6gd, R6g, and R6gd instances with up to 40% better price performance than equivalent non-Graviton instances. The second-generation processor delivered up to 7x performance of the first one, including twice the floating point performance.

November 2021 – The Graviton3 processor made its debut with the announcement of the compute-optimized C7g instances. In addition to up to 25% better compute performance, this generation of processors once again doubled floating point and cryptographic performance when compared to the previous generation.

November 2022 – The Graviton 3E processor was announced, for use in the Hpc7g and C7gn instances, with up to 35% higher vector instruction processing performance than the Graviton3.

Today, every one of the top 100 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) customers makes use of Graviton, choosing between more than 150 Graviton-powered instances.

New Graviton4
I’m happy to be able to tell you about the latest in our series of innovative custom chip designs, the energy-efficient AWS Graviton4 processor.

96 Neoverse V2 cores, 2 MB of L2 cache per core, and 12 DDR5-5600 channels work together to make the Graviton4 up to 40% faster for databases, 30% faster for web applications, and 45% faster for large Java applications than the Graviton3.

Graviton4 processors also support all of the security features from the previous generations, and includes some important new ones including encrypted high-speed hardware interfaces and Branch Target Identification (BTI).

R8g instance sizes
The 8th generation R8g instances will be available in multiple sizes with up to triple the number of vCPUs and triple the amount of memory of the 7th generation (R7g) of memory-optimized, Graviton3-powered instances.

Join the preview
R8g instances with Graviton4 processors


Announcing the new Amazon S3 Express One Zone high performance storage class

This post was originally published on this site

The new Amazon S3 Express One Zone storage class is designed to deliver up to 10x better performance than the S3 Standard storage class while handling hundreds of thousands of requests per second with consistent single-digit millisecond latency, making it a great fit for your most frequently accessed data and your most demanding applications. Objects are stored and replicated on purpose built hardware within a single AWS Availability Zone, allowing you to co-locate storage and compute (Amazon EC2, Amazon ECS, and Amazon EKS) resources to further reduce latency.

Amazon S3 Express One Zone
With very low latency between compute and storage, the Amazon S3 Express One Zone storage class can help to deliver a significant reduction in runtime for data-intensive applications, especially those that use hundreds or thousands of parallel compute nodes to process large amounts of data for AI/ML training, financial modeling, media processing, real-time ad placement, high performance computing, and so forth. These applications typically keep the data around for a relatively short period of time, but access it very frequently during that time.

This new storage class can handle objects of any size, but is especially awesome for smaller objects. This is because for smaller objects the time to first byte is very close to the time for last byte. In all storage systems, larger objects take longer to stream because there is more data to download during the transfer, and therefore the storage latency has less impact on the total time to read the object. As a result, smaller objects receive an outsized benefit from lower storage latency compared to large objects. Because of S3 Express One Zone’s consistent very low latency, small objects can be read up to 10x faster compared to S3 Standard.

The extremely low latency provided by Amazon S3 Express One Zone, combined with request costs that are 50% lower than for the S3 Standard storage class, means that your Spot and On-Demand compute resources are used more efficiently and can be shut down earlier, leading to an overall reduction in processing costs.

Each Amazon S3 Express One Zone directory bucket exists in a single Availability Zone that you choose, and can be accessed using the usual set of S3 API functions: CreateBucket, PutObject, GetObject, ListObjectsV2, and so forth. The buckets also support a carefully chosen set of S3 features including byte-range fetches, multi-part upload, multi-part copy, presigned URLs, and Access Analyzer for S3. You can upload objects directly, write code that uses CopyObject, or use S3 Batch Operations,

In order to reduce latency and to make this storage class as efficient & scalable as possible, we are introducing a new bucket type, a new authentication model, and a bucket naming convention:

New bucket type – The new directory buckets are specific to this storage class, and support hundreds of thousands of requests per second. They have a hierarchical namespace and store object key names in a directory-like manner. The path delimiter must be “/“, and any prefixes that you supply to ListObjectsV2 must end with a delimiter. Also, list operations return results without first sorting them, so you cannot do a “start after” retrieval.

New authentication model – The new CreateSession function returns a session token that grants access to a specific bucket for five minutes. You must include this token in the requests that you make to other S3 API functions that operate on the bucket or the objects in it, with the exception of CopyObject, which requires IAM credentials. The newest versions of the AWS SDKs handle session creation automatically.

Bucket naming – Directory bucket names must be unique within their AWS Region, and must specify an Availability Zone ID in a specially formed suffix. If my base bucket name is jbarr and it exists in Availability Zone use1-az5 (Availability Zone 5 in the US East (N. Virginia) Region) the name that I supply to CreateBucket would be jbarr--use1-az5--x-s3. Although the bucket exists within a specific Availability Zone, it is accessible from the other zones in the region, and there are no data transfer charges for requests from compute resources in one Availability Zone to directory buckets in another one in the same region.

Amazon S3 Express One Zone in action
Let’s put this new storage class to use. I will focus on the command line, but AWS Management Console and API access are also available.

My EC2 instance is running in my us-east-1f Availability Zone. I use jq to map this value to an Availability Zone Id:

$ aws ec2 describe-availability-zones --output json | 
  jq -r  '.AvailabilityZones[] | select(.ZoneName == "us-east-1f") | .ZoneId'

I create a bucket configuration (s3express-bucket-config.json) and include the Id:

        "Location" :
                "Type" : "AvailabilityZone",
                "Name" : "use1-az5"
                "DataRedundancy" : "SingleAvailabilityZone",
                "Type"           : "Directory"

After installing the newest version of the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), I create my directory bucket:

$ aws s3api create-bucket --bucket jbarr--use1-az5--x-s3 
  --create-bucket-configuration file://s3express-bucket-config.json 
  --region us-east-1
|                                       CreateBucket                                      |
|  Location|   |

Then I can use the directory bucket as the destination for other CLI commands as usual (the second aws is the directory where I unzipped the AWS CLI):

$ aws s3 sync aws s3://jbarr--use1-az5--x-s3

When I list the directory bucket’s contents, I see that the StorageClass is EXPRESS_ONEZONE:

$ aws s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket jbarr--use1-az5--x-s3 --output json | 
  jq -r '.Contents[] | {Key: .Key, StorageClass: .StorageClass}'
  "Key": "install",
  "StorageClass": "EXPRESS_ONEZONE"

The Management Console for S3 shows General purpose buckets and Directory buckets on separate tabs:

I can import the contents of an existing bucket (or a prefixed subset of the contents) into a directory bucket using the Import button, as seen above. I select a source bucket, click Import, and enter the parameters that will be used to generate an inventory of the source bucket and to create and an S3 Batch Operations job.

The job is created and begins to execute:

Things to know
Here are some important things to know about this new S3 storage class:

Regions – Amazon S3 Express One Zone is available in the US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Europe (Stockholm) Regions, with plans to expand to others over time.

Other AWS Services – You can use Amazon S3 Express One Zone with other AWS services including Amazon SageMaker Model Training, Amazon Athena, Amazon EMR, and AWS Glue Data Catalog to accelerate your machine learning and analytics workloads. You can also use Mountpoint for Amazon S3 to process your S3 objects in file-oriented fashion.

Pricing – Pricing, like the other S3 storage classes, is on a pay-as-you-go basis. You pay $0.16/GB/month in the US East (N. Virginia) Region, with a one-hour minimum billing time for each object, and additional charges for certain request types. You pay an additional per-GB fee for the portion of any request that exceeds 512 KB. For more information, see the Amazon S3 Pricing page.

Durability – In the unlikely case of the loss or damage to all or part of an AWS Availability Zone, data in a One Zone storage class may be lost. For example, events like fire and water damage could result in data loss. Apart from these types of events, our One Zone storage classes use similar engineering designs as our Regional storage classes to protect objects from independent disk, host, and rack-level failures, and each are designed to deliver 99.999999999% data durability.

SLA – Amazon S3 Express One Zone is designed to deliver 99.95% availability with an availability SLA of 99.9%; for information see the Amazon S3 Service Level Agreement page.

This new storage class is available now and you can start using it today!

Learn more
Amazon S3 Express One Zone


Reserve quantum computers, get guidance and cutting-edge capabilities with Amazon Braket Direct

This post was originally published on this site

Today, we are announcing the availability of Braket Direct, a new Amazon Braket program that helps quantum researchers dive deeper into quantum computing. This program lets you get dedicated, private access to the full capacity of various quantum processing units (QPUs) without any queues or wait times, connect with quantum computing specialists to receive expert guidance for your workloads, and get early access to features and devices with limited availability to conduct cutting-edge research on today’s noisy quantum devices.

Since its launch in 2020, Amazon Braket has democratized access to quantum computing by offering on-demand access to various QPUs using shared, public availability windows, where you only pay for the duration of your reservation.

You can now use Braket Direct to reserve the entire dedicated machine for a period of time on IonQ Aria, QuEra Aquila, and Rigetti Aspen-M-3 devices for running your most complex, long-running, time-sensitive workloads, or conducting live events such as training workshops and hackathons, where you pay only for what you reserve.

To further your research, you can now engage directly with Braket’s experts through free office hours or one-on-one, hands-on reservation prep sessions. For deeper research collaborations, you can connect with specialists from quantum hardware providers such as IonQ, Oxford Quantum Circuits, QuEra, Rigetti, or Amazon Quantum Solutions Lab, our dedicated professional services team.

Finally, to truly push the boundaries, you can gain access to experimental capabilities that have limited or reduced availability starting with IonQ’s highest fidelity, 30-qubit Forte device.

Braket Direct expands on our commitment to accelerate research and innovation in quantum computing without requiring any upfront fees or long-term commitments.

Getting started with Braket Direct
To get started, go to the Amazon Braket console and choose Braket Direct in the left pane. You can see new features such as quantum hardware reservation, expert advice and get access to next-generation quantum hardware and features.

1. Request a quantum hardware reservation
To create a reservation, choose Reserve device and select the Device that you would like to reserve. Provide your contact information, including your name and email address, any details about the workload that you would like to execute using your reservation, such as desired reservation length, relevant constraints, and desired schedule.

Braket Direct assures that you have the full capacity of the QPU during your reservation and the predictability that your workloads will execute when your reservation begins.

If you are interested in connecting with a Braket expert for a one-on-one reservation prep session after your reservation is confirmed, you can select that option at no additional cost.

Choose Submit to complete your reservation request. A Braket team member will email you within 2–3 business days, pending request verification. To make the most of your reservation, you can choose to pre-create your tasks and jobs prior to a reservation to maximize use of the time.

To learn more about your quantum tasks and hybrid jobs to execute in a device reservation, see Get started with Braket Direct in the AWS documentation.

2. Get support from quantum computing experts
You can get in touch with quantum experts and get advice about your workload. With Braket office hours, Braket experts can help you go from ideation to execution faster at no additional cost. Explore your device to fit your use case, identify options to make best use of Braket for your algorithm, and get recommendations on how to use certain Braket features like Hybrid Jobs, Braket Pulse, or Analog Hamiltonian Simulation.

To book an upcoming Braket office hours slot, choose Sign up and fill out your contact information, workload details, and any desired discussion topics. You will receive a calendar invitation to the next available slot by email.

To take advantage of experts from quantum hardware providers, choose Connect and browse their professional services listings on AWS Marketplace.

The Amazon Quantum Solutions Lab is a collaborative research and professional services team staffed with quantum computing experts who can assist you in more effectively exploring quantum computing, engaging in quantum research, and assessing the current performance of this technology. To contact the Quantum Solutions Lab, select Connect and fill out contact information and use case details. The team will email you with next steps.

3. Access to cutting-edge capabilities
To move your research quicker, you can get early access to innovative new capabilities. With Braket Direct, you can easily request access to cutting-edge capabilities, such as new quantum devices with limited availability, directly in the Braket console. Today, you can get reservation-only access to IonQ’s highest-fidelity Forte QPU. Due to its limited availability, this device is currently only available through Braket Direct reservations.

Now available
Braket Direct is now generally available in all AWS Regions where Amazon Braket is available. To learn more, see the Braket Direct page and pricing page.

Give it a try and send feedback to AWS re:Post for Amazon Braket, Quantum Computing Stack Exchange, or through your usual AWS Support contacts.


AWS Step Functions Workflow Studio is now available in AWS Application Composer

This post was originally published on this site

Today, we’re announcing that AWS Step Functions Workflow Studio is now available in AWS Application Composer. This new integration brings together the development of workflows and application resources into a unified visual infrastructure as code (IaC) builder.

Now, you can have a seamless transition between authoring workflows with AWS Step Functions Workflow Studio and defining resources with AWS Application Composer. This announcement allows you to create and manage all resources at any stage of your development journey. You can visualize the full application in AWS Application Composer, then zoom into the workflow details with AWS Step Functions Workflow Studio—all within a single interface.

Seamlessly build workflow and modern application
To help you design and build modern applications, we launched AWS Application Composer in March 2023. With AWS Application Composer, you can use a visual builder to compose and configure serverless applications from AWS services backed by deployment-ready IaC.

In various use cases of building modern applications, you may also need to orchestrate microservices, automate mission-critical business processes, create event-driven applications that respond to infrastructure changes, or build machine learning (ML) pipelines. To solve these challenges, you can use AWS Step Functions, a fully managed service that makes it easier to coordinate distributed application components using visual workflows. To simplify workflow development, in 2021 we introduced AWS Step Functions Workflow Studio, a low-code visual tool for rapid workflow prototyping and development across 12,000+ API actions from over 220 AWS services.

While AWS Step Functions Workflow Studio brings simplicity to building workflows, customers that want to deploy workflows using IaC had to manually define their state machine resource and migrate their workflow definitions to the IaC template.

Better together: AWS Step Functions Workflow Studio in AWS Application Composer
With this new integration, you can now design AWS Step Functions workflows in AWS Application Composer using a drag-and-drop interface. This accelerates the path from prototyping to production deployment and iterating on existing workflows.

You can start by composing your modern application with AWS Application Composer. Within the canvas, you can add a workflow by adding an AWS Step Functions state machine resource. This new capability provides you with the ability to visually design and build a workflow with an intuitive interface to connect workflow steps to resources.

How it works
Let me walk you through how you can use AWS Step Functions Workflow Studio in AWS Application Composer. For this demo, let’s say that I need to improve handling e-commerce transactions by building a workflow and integrating with my existing serverless APIs.

First, I navigate to AWS Application Composer. Because I already have an existing project that includes application code and IaC templates from AWS Application Composer, I don’t need to build anything from scratch.

I open the menu and select Project folder to open the files in my local development machine.

Then, I select the path of my local folder, and AWS Application Composer automatically detects the IaC template that I currently have.

Then, AWS Application Composer visualizes the diagram in the canvas. What I really like about using this approach is that AWS Application Composer activates Local sync mode, which automatically syncs and saves any changes in IaC templates into my local project.

Here, I have a simple serverless API running on Amazon API Gateway, which invokes an AWS Lambda function and integrates with Amazon DynamoDB.

Now, I’m ready to make some changes to my serverless API. I configure another route on Amazon API Gateway and add AWS Step Functions state machine to start building my workflow.

When I configure my Step Functions state machine, I can start editing my workflow by selecting Edit in Workflow Studio.

This opens Step Functions Workflow Studio within the AWS Application Composer canvas. I have the same experience as Workflow Studio in the AWS Step Functions console. I can use the canvas to add actions, flows , and patterns into my Step Functions state machine.

I start building my workflow, and here’s the result that I exported using Export PNG image in Workflow Studio.

But here’s where this new capability really helps me as a developer. In the workflow definition, I use various AWS resources, such as AWS Lambda functions and Amazon DynamoDB. If I need to reference the AWS resources I defined in AWS Application Composer, I can use an AWS CloudFormation substitution.

With AWS CloudFormation substitutions, I can add a substitution using an AWS CloudFormation convention, which is a dynamic reference to a value that is provided in the IaC template. I am using a placeholder substitution here so I can map it with an AWS resource in the AWS Application Composer canvas in a later step.

I can also define the AWS CloudFormation substitution for my Amazon DynamoDB table.

At this stage, I’m happy with my workflow. To review the Amazon States Language as my AWS Step Functions state machine definition, I can also open the Code tab. Now I don’t need to manually copy and paste this definition into IaC templates. I only need to save my work and choose Return to Application Composer.

Here, I can see that my AWS Step Functions state machine is updated both in the visual diagram and in the state machine definition section.

If I scroll down, I will find AWS Cloudformation Definition Substitutions for resources that I defined in Workflow Studio. I can manually replace the mapping here, or I can use the canvas.

To use the canvas, I simply drag and drop the respective resources in my Step Functions state machine and in the Application Composer canvas. Here, I connect the Inventory Process task state with a new AWS Lambda function. Also, my Step Functions state machine tasks can reference existing resources.

When I choose Template, the state machine definition is integrated with other AWS Application Composer resources. With this IaC template I can easily deploy using AWS Serverless Application Model Command Line Interface (AWS SAM CLI) or CloudFormation.

Things to know
Here is some additional information for you:

Pricing – The AWS Step Functions Workflow Studio in AWS Application Composer comes at no additional cost.

Availability – This feature is available in all AWS Regions where Application Composer is available.

AWS Step Functions Workflow Studio in AWS Application Composer provides you with an easy-to-use experience to integrate your workflow into modern applications. Get started and learn more about this feature on the AWS Application Composer page.

Happy building!
— Donnie

Amazon ElastiCache Serverless for Redis and Memcached is now available

This post was originally published on this site

Today, we are announcing the availability of Amazon ElastiCache Serverless, a new serverless option that allows customers to create a cache in under a minute and instantly scale capacity based on application traffic patterns. ElastiCache Serverless is compatible with two popular open-source caching solutions, Redis and Memcached.

You can use ElastiCache Serverless to operate a cache for even the most demanding workloads without spending time in capacity planning or requiring caching expertise. ElastiCache Serverless constantly monitors your application’s memory, CPU, and network resource utilization and scales instantly to accommodate changes to the access patterns of workloads it serves. You can create a highly available cache with data automatically replicated across multiple Availability Zones and up to 99.99 percent availability Service Level Agreement (SLA) for all workloads, which saves you time and money.

Customers wanted to get radical simplicity to deploy and operate a cache. ElastiCache Serverless offers a simple endpoint experience abstracting the underlying cluster topology and cache infrastructure. You can reduce application complexity and have more operational excellence without handling reconnects and rediscovering nodes.

With ElastiCache Serverless, there are no upfront costs, and you pay for only the resources you use. You pay for the amount of cache data storage and ElastiCache Processing Units (ECPUs) resources consumed by your applications.

Getting started with Amazon ElastiCache Serverless
To get started, go to the ElastiCache console and choose Redis caches or Memcached caches in the left navigation pane. ElastiCache Serverless supports engine versions of Redis 7.1 or higher and Memcached 1.6 or higher.

For example, in the case of Redis caches, choose Create Redis cache.

You see two deployment options: either Serverless or Design your own cache to create a node-based cache cluster. Choose the Serverless option, the New cache method, and provide a name.

Use the default settings to create a cache in your default VPC, Availability Zones, service-owned encryption key, and security groups. We will automatically set recommended best practices. You don’t have to enter any additional settings.

If you want to customize default settings, you can set your own security groups, or enable automatic backups. You can also set maximum limits for your compute and memory usage to ensure your cache doesn’t grow beyond a certain size. When your cache reaches the memory limit, keys with a time to live (TTL) are evicted according to the least recently used (LRU) logic. When your compute limit is reached, ElastiCache will throttle requests, which will lead to elevated request latencies.

When you create a new serverless cache, you can see the details of settings for connectivity and data protection, including an endpoint and network environment.

Now, you can configure the ElastiCache Serverless endpoint in your application and connect using any Redis client that supports Redis in cluster mode, such as redis-cli.

$ redis-cli -h --tls -c -p 6379
set x Hello
get x

You can manage the cache using AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or AWS SDKs. For more information, see Getting started with Amazon ElastiCache for Redis in the AWS documentation.

If you have an existing Redis cluster, you can migrate your data to ElastiCache Serverless by specifying the ElastiCache backups or Amazon S3 location of a backup file in a standard Redis rdb file format when creating your ElastiCache Serverless cache.

For a Memcached cache, you can create and use a new serverless cache in the same way as Redis.

If you use ElastiCache Serverless for Memcached, there are significant benefits of high availability and instant scaling because they are not natively available in the Memcached engine. You no longer have to write custom business logic, manage multiple caches, or use a third-party proxy layer to replicate data to get high availability with Memcached. Now you can get up to 99.99 percent availability SLA and data replication across multiple Availability Zones.

To connect to the Memcached endpoint, run the openssl client and Memcached commands as shown in the following example output:

$ /usr/bin/openssl s_client -connect -crlf 
set a 0 0 5
get a
VALUE a 0 5

For more information, see Getting started with Amazon ElastiCache Serverless for Memcached in the AWS documentation.

Scaling and performance
ElastiCache Serverless scales without downtime or performance degradation to the application by allowing the cache to scale up and initiating a scale-out in parallel to meet capacity needs just in time.

To show ElastiCache Serverless’ performance we conducted a simple scaling test. We started with a typical Redis workload with an 80/20 ratio between reads and writes with a key size of 512 bytes. Our Redis client was configured to Read From Replica (RFR) using the READONLY Redis command, for optimal read performance. Our goal is to show how fast workloads can scale on ElastiCache Serverless without any impact on latency.

As you can see in the graph above, we were able to double the requests per second (RPS) every 10 minutes up until the test’s target request rate of 1M RPS. During this test, we observed that p50 GET latency remained around 751 microseconds and at all times below 860 microseconds. Similarly, we observed p50 SET latency remained around 1,050 microseconds, not crossing the 1,200 microseconds even during the rapid increase in throughput.

Things to know

  • Upgrading engine version – ElastiCache Serverless transparently applies new features, bug fixes, and security updates, including new minor and patch engine versions on your cache. When a new major version is available, ElastiCache Serverless will send you a notification in the console and an event in Amazon EventBridge. ElastiCache Serverless major version upgrades are designed for no disruption to your application.
  • Performance and monitoring – ElastiCache Serverless publishes a suite of metrics to Amazon CloudWatch, including memory usage (BytesUsedForCache), CPU usage (ElastiCacheProcessingUnits), and cache metrics, including CacheMissRate, CacheHitRate, CacheHits, CacheMisses, and ThrottledRequests. ElastiCache Serverless also publishes Amazon EventBridge events for significant events, including cache creation, deletion, and limit updates. For a full list of available metrics and events, see the documentation.
  • Security and compliance – ElastiCache Serverless caches are accessible from within a VPC. You can access the data plane using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). By default, only the AWS account creating the ElastiCache Serverless cache can access it. ElastiCache Serverless encrypts all data at rest and in-transit by transport layer security (TLS) encrypting each connection to ElastiCache Serverless. You can optionally choose to limit access to the cache within your VPCs, subnets, IAM access, and AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key for encryption. ElastiCache Serverless is compliant with PCI-DSS, SOC, and ISO and is HIPAA eligible.

Now available
Amazon ElastiCache Serverless is now available in all commercial AWS Regions, including China. With ElastiCache Serverless, there are no upfront costs, and you pay for only the resources you use. You pay for cached data in GB-hours, ECPUs consumed, and Snapshot storage in GB-months.

To learn more, see the ElastiCache Serverless page and the pricing page. Give it a try, and please send feedback to AWS re:Post for Amazon ElastiCache or through your usual AWS support contacts.


Join the preview of Amazon Aurora Limitless Database

This post was originally published on this site

Today, we are announcing the preview of Amazon Aurora Limitless Database, a new capability supporting automated horizontal scaling to process millions of write transactions per second and manage petabytes of data in a single Aurora database.

Amazon Aurora read replicas allow you to increase the read capacity of your Aurora cluster beyond the limits of what a single database instance can provide. Now, Aurora Limitless Database scales write throughput and storage capacity of your database beyond the limits of a single Aurora writer instance. The compute and storage capacity that is used for Limitless Database is in addition to and independent of the capacity of your writer and reader instances in the cluster.

With Limitless Database, you can focus on building high-scale applications without having to build and maintain complex solutions for scaling your data across multiple database instances to support your workloads. Aurora Limitless Database scales based on the workload to support write throughput and storage capacity that, until today, would require multiple Aurora writer instances.

The architecture of Amazon Aurora Limitless Database
Limitless Database has a two-layer architecture consisting of multiple database nodes, either transaction routers or shards.

Shards are Aurora PostgreSQL DB instances that each store a subset of the data for your database, allowing for parallel processing to achieve higher write throughput. Transaction routers manage the distributed nature of the database and present a single database image to database clients.

Transaction routers maintain metadata about where data is stored, parse incoming SQL commands and send those commands to shards, aggregate data from shards to return a single result to the client, and manage distributed transactions to maintain consistency across the entire distributed database. All the nodes that make up your Limitless Database architecture are contained in a DB shard group. The DB shard group has a separate endpoint where your access your Limitless Database resources.

Getting started with Aurora Limitless Database
To get started with a preview of Aurora Limitless Database, you can sign up today and will be invited soon. The preview runs in a new Aurora PostgreSQL cluster with version 15 in the AWS US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Europe (Ireland) Regions.

As part of the creation workflow for an Aurora cluster, choose the Limitless Database compatible version in the Amazon RDS console or the Amazon RDS API. Then you can add a DB shard group and create new Limitless Database tables. You can choose the maximum Aurora capacity units (ACUs).

After the DB shard group is created, you can view its details on the Databases page, including its endpoint.

To use Aurora Limitless Database, you should connect to a DB shard group endpoint, also called the limitless endpoint, using psql or any other connection utility that works with PostgreSQL.

There will be two types of tables that contain your data in Aurora Limitless Database:

  • Sharded tables – These tables are distributed across multiple shards. Data is split among the shards based on the values of designated columns in the table, called shard keys.
  • Reference tables – These tables have all their data present on every shard so that join queries can work faster by eliminating unnecessary data movement. They are commonly used for infrequently modified reference data, such as product catalogs and zip codes.

Once you have created a sharded or reference table, you can load massive data into Aurora Limitless Database and manipulate data in those tables using the standard PostgreSQL queries.

Join the preview
You can join the preview of Amazon Aurora Limitless Database to be among the first to experience all of this power.

Sign up now, give it a try, and please send feedback to AWS re:Post for Amazon Aurora or through your usual AWS support contacts.


Getting started with new Amazon RDS for Db2

This post was originally published on this site

I am pleased to announce that IBM and AWS have come together to offer Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Db2, a fully managed Db2 database engine running on AWS infrastructure.

IBM Db2 is an enterprise-grade relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by IBM. It offers a comprehensive set of features, including strong data processing capabilities, robust security mechanisms, scalability, and support for diverse data types. Db2 is a well-established choice among organizations for effectively managing data in various applications and handling data-intensive workloads due to its reliability and performance. Db2 has its roots in the pioneering work around data storage and structured query language (SQL) IBM has done since the 1970s. It has been commercially available since 1983, initially just for mainframes, and was later ported to Linux, Unix, and Windows platforms (LUW). Today, Db2 powers thousands of business-critical applications in all verticals.

With Amazon RDS for Db2, you can now create a Db2 database with just a few clicks in the AWS Management Console, one command to type with the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or a few lines of code with the AWS SDKs. AWS takes care of the infrastructure heavy lifting, freeing your time for higher-level tasks such as schema and query optimizations for your applications.

If you are new to Amazon RDS or coming from an on-premises Db2 background, let me quickly recap the benefits of Amazon RDS.

  • Amazon RDS offers the same Db2 database as the one you use on-premises today. Your existing applications will reconnect to RDS for Db2 without changing their code.
  • The database runs on a fully managed infrastructure. You don’t have to provision servers, install the packages, install patches, or maintain the infrastructure in an operational state.
  • The database is also fully managed. We take care of the installation, minor version upgrades, daily backup, scaling, and high availability.
  • The infrastructure can scale up and down as required. You can simply stop and then restart the database to change the underlying hardware and meet changing performance requirements or benefit from last-generation hardware.
  • Amazon RDS offers a choice of storage types designed to deliver fast, predictable, and consistent I/O performance. For new or unpredictable workloads, you can configure the system to automatically scale your storage.
  • Amazon RDS automatically takes care of your backups, and you can restore them to a new database with just a few clicks.
  • Amazon RDS helps to deploy highly available architectures. Amazon RDS synchronously replicates data to a standby database in a different Availability Zone (an Availability Zone is a group of distinct data centers). When a failure is detected with a Multi-AZ deployment, Amazon RDS automatically fails over to the standby instance and routes requests without changing the database endpoint DNS name. This switch happens with minimal downtime and zero data loss.
  • Amazon RDS is built on the secure infrastructure of AWS. It encrypts data in transit using TLS and at rest using keys managed with AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS). This helps you deploy workloads that are compliant with your company or industry regulations, such as FedRAMP, GDPR, HIPAA, PCI, and SOC.
  • Third-party auditors assess the security and compliance of Amazon RDS as part of multiple AWS compliance programs and you can verify the full list of Amazon RDS compliance validations.

You can migrate your existing on-premises Db2 database to Amazon RDS using native Db2 tools, such as restore and import, or AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS). AWS DMS allows you to migrate databases in a single operation or continuously, while your applications continue to update the data on the source database, until you decide on the cut off.

Amazon RDS supports multiple tools for monitoring your database instances, including Amazon RDS Enhanced Monitoring and Amazon CloudWatch, or you can continue to use the IBM Data Management Console or IBM DSMtop.

Let’s see how it works
I always like to get my hands on a new service to learn how it works. Let’s create a Db2 database and connect to it using the standard tool provided by IBM. I assume most of you reading this post come from an IBM Db2 background and don’t know much about Amazon RDS.

First, I create a Db2 database. To do this, I navigate to the Amazon RDS page of the AWS Management Console and select Create database. For this demo, I’ll accept most of the default values. I’ll show you, however, all the sections and will comment on the important configuration points you have to think about.

I select Db2 from among the multiple database engines Amazon RDS offers.

RDS for Db2 - create DB - step 1I scroll down the page and select IBM Db2 Standard and Engine Version 11.5.9. Amazon RDS patches the database instances automatically if you so desire. You can learn more about Amazon RDS database maintenance here.

I select Production. Amazon RDS will deploy a default configuration tuned for high availability and fast, consistent performance.

RDS for Db2 - create DB - step 2

RDS for Db2 - create DB - multi-AZ deployment

Under Settings, I give a name to my RDS instance (this is not the Db2 catalog name!), and I select the master username and password.

Under Instance configuration, I choose the type of node to run my database. This will define the hardware characteristics of the virtual server: the number of vCPUs, quantity of memory, and so on. Depending on the requirements of your application, you can allocate instances offering up to 32 vCPUs and 128 GiB of RAM for IBM Db2 Standard instances. When you select IBM Db2 Advanced instances, you can allocate instances offering up to 128 vCPUs and 1 TiB of RAM. This parameter has a direct impact on the price.

RDS for Db2 - create DB - settings

RDS for Db2 - create DB - instance configuration

Under Storage, I choose the type of Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes, their size, and their IOPS and throughput. For this demo, I accept the values proposed by default. This is also a set of parameters that directly impact the price.

RDS for Db2 - create DB - step 4

Under Connectivity, I select the VPC (in AWS terms, a VPC is a private network) where the database will be deployed. Under Public access, I select No to make sure the database instance is only accessible from my private network. I can’t think of a (good) use case where you want to select Yes for this option.

This is also where you select the VPC security group. A security group is a network filter that defines what IP addresses or networks can access your database instance and on what TCP port. Be sure to select or create a security group with TCP 50000 open to allow applications to connect to your Db2 database.

RDS for Db2 - create DB - step 5

I leave all other options with their default value. It is important to open the Additional configuration section at the very bottom of the page. This is where you can give an Initial database name. If you don’t name your Db2 database here, your only option will be to restore an existing Db2 database backup on that instance.

This section also contains the parameters for the Amazon RDS automatic backup. You can choose a time window and how long we will retain the backups.

I accept all the defaults and select Create database.

RDS for Db2 - create DB - step 6

After a few minutes, you can see your database is available.

I select the DNS name of the database instance Endpoint, and I connect to a Linux machine running in the same network. After installing the Db2 client package that I downloaded from the IBM website, I type the following commands to connect to the database. There is nothing specific to Amazon RDS here.

db2 catalog TCPIP node blognode remote server 50000
db2 catalog database NEWSBLOG as blogdb2 at node blognode authentication server_encrypt
db2 connect to blogdb2 user admin using MySuperPassword

Once connected, I download a sample dataset and script from the popular Db2Tutorial website. I run the scripts against the database I just created.

db2 -stvf ./create.sql 
db2 -stvf ./data.sql 
db2 "select count(*) author_count from authors"

RDS for Db2 - result of query

As you can see, there is nothing specific to Amazon RDS when it comes to connecting and using the database. I use standard Db2 tools and scripts.

One more thing
Amazon RDS for Db2 requires you to bring your own Db2 license. You must enter your IBM customer ID and site number before starting a Db2 instance.

To do so, create a custom DB parameter group and attach it to your database instance at launch time. A DB parameter group acts as a container for engine configuration values that are applied to one or more DB instances. In a Db2 parameter group, there are two parameters specific to IBM Db2 licenses: your IBM Customer Number (rds.ibm_customer_id) and your IBM site number (rds.ibm_site_id).

RDS for IBM Db2 - Parameter Group

If you do not know your site number, reach out to your IBM sales organization for a copy of a recent Proof-of-Entitlement (PoE), invoice, or sales order. All these documents should include your site number.

Pricing and availability
Amazon RDS for Db2 is available in all AWS Regions except China and GovCloud.

Amazon RDS pricing is on demand, and there are no upfront costs or subscriptions. You only pay by the hour when the database is running, plus the GB per month of database storage provisioned and backup storage you use and the number of IOPS you provision. The Amazon RDS for Db2 pricing page has the details of pricing per Region. As I mentioned earlier, Amazon RDS for Db2 requires you to bring your own Db2 license.

If you already know Amazon RDS, you’ll be delighted to have a new database engine available for your application developers. If you’re coming from an on-premises world, you will love the simplicity and automation that Amazon RDS offers.

You can learn many more details on the Amazon RDS for Db2 documentation page. Now go and deploy your first database with Amazon RDS for Db2 today!

— seb

Announcing throughput increase and dead letter queue redrive support for Amazon SQS FIFO queues

This post was originally published on this site

With Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), you can send, store, and receive messages between software components at any volume. Today, Amazon SQS has introduced two new capabilities for first-in, first-out (FIFO) queues:

  • Maximum throughput has been increased up to 70,000 transactions per second (TPS) per API action in selected AWS Regions, supporting sending or receiving up to 700,000 messages per second with batching.
  • Dead letter queue (DLQ) redrive support to handle messages that are not consumed after a specific number of retries in a way similar to what was already available for standard queues.

Let’s take a more in-depth look at how these work in practice.

FIFO queues throughput increase up to 70K TPS
FIFO queues are designed for applications that require messages to be processed exactly once and in the order in which they are sent. While standard queues have an unlimited throughput, FIFO queues have an upper quota in the number of TPS per API action.

Standard and FIFO queues support batch actions that can send and receive up to 10 messages with a single API call (up to a maximum total payload of 256 KB). This means that a FIFO queue can process up to 10 times more messages per second than its maximum throughput.

At launch in 2016, FIFO queues supported up to 300 TPS per API action (3,000 messages per second with batching). This was enough for many use cases, but some customers asked for more throughput.

With high throughput mode launched in 2021, FIFO queues introduced a tenfold increase of the maximum throughput and could process up to 3,000 TPS per API action, depending on the Region. One year later, that quota was doubled to up to 6,000 TPS per API action.

This year, Amazon SQS has already increased FIFO queue throughput quota two times, to up to 9,000 TPS per API action in August and up to 18,000 TPS per API action in October (depending on the Region).

Today, the Amazon SQS team has been able to increase the FIFO queue throughput quota again, allowing you to process up to 70,000 TPS per API action (up to 700,000 messages per second with batching) in the US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland) Regions. This is more than two hundred times the maximum throughput at launch.

DLQ redrive support for FIFO queues
With Amazon SQS, messages that are not consumed after a specific number of retries can automatically be moved to a DLQ. There, messages can be analyzed to understand the reason why they have not been processed correctly. Sometimes there is a bug or a misconfiguration in the consumer application. Other times the messages contain invalid data from the source applications that needs to be fixed to allow the messages to be processed again.

Either way, you can define a plan to reprocess these messages. For example, you can fix the consumer application and redrive all messages to the source queue. Or you can create a dedicated queue where a custom application receives the messages, fixes their content, and then sends them to the source queue.

To simplify moving the messages back to the source queue or to a different queue, Amazon SQS allows you to create a redrive task. Redrive tasks are already available for standard queues. Starting today, you can also start a redrive task for FIFO queues.

Using the Amazon SQS console, I create a first queue (my-dlq.fifo) to be used as a DLQ. To redrive messages back to the source FIFO queue, the queue type must match, so this is also a FIFO queue.

Then, I create a source FIFO queue (my-source-queue.fifo) to handle messages as usual. When I create the source queue, I configure the first queue (my-dlq.fifo) as the DLQ and specify 3 as the Maximum receives condition under which messages are moved from the source queue to the DLQ.

Console screenshot.

When a message has been received by a consumer for more than the number of times specified by this condition, Amazon SQS moves the message to the DLQ. The original message ID is retained and can be used to uniquely track the message.

To test this setup, I use the console to send a message to the source queue. Then, I use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to receive the message multiple times without deleting it.

aws sqs receive-message --queue-url
    "Messages": [
            "MessageId": "ef2f1c72-4bfe-4093-a451-03fe2dbd4d0f",
            "ReceiptHandle": "...",
            "MD5OfBody": "0f445a578fbcb0c06ca8aeb90a36fcfb",
            "Body": "My important message."

To receive the same message more than once, I wait for the time specified in the queue visibility timeout to pass (30 seconds by default).

After the third time, the message is not in the source queue because it has been moved to the DLQ. When I try to receive messages from the source queue, the list is empty.

aws sqs receive-message --queue-url
    "Messages": []

To confirm that the message has been moved, I poll the DLQ to see if the message is there.

aws sqs receive-message --queue-url  
    "Messages": [
            "MessageId": "ef2f1c72-4bfe-4093-a451-03fe2dbd4d0f",
            "ReceiptHandle": "...",
            "MD5OfBody": "0f445a578fbcb0c06ca8aeb90a36fcfb",
            "Body": "My important message."

Now that the message is in the DLQ, I can investigate why the message has not been processed (well, I know the reason this time) and decide whether to redrive messages from the DLQ using the Amazon SQS console or the new redrive API that was introduced a few months ago. For this example, I use the console. Back on the Amazon SQS console, I select the DLQ queue and choose Start DLQ redrive.

In Redrive configuration, I choose to redrive the messages to the source queue. Optionally, I can specify another FIFO queue as a custom destination. I use System optimized in Velocity control settings to redrive messages with the maximum number of messages per second optimized by Amazon SQS. Optionally, if there is a large number of messages in the DLQ, I can configure a custom maximum rate of messages per second to avoid overloading consumers.

Console screenshot.

Before starting the redrive task, I can use the Inspect messages section to poll and check messages. I already decided what to do, so I choose DLQ redrive to start the task. I have only one message to process, so the redrive task completes very quickly.

Console screenshot.

As expected, the message is back in the source queue and is ready to be processed again.

Console screenshot.

Things to know
Dead letter queue (DLQ) support for FIFO queues is available today in all AWS Regions where Amazon SQS is offered with the exception of GovCloud Regions and those based in China.

In the DLQ configuration, the maximum number of receives should be between 1 and 1,000.

There is no additional cost for using high throughput mode or a DLQ. Every Amazon SQS action counts as a request. A single request can send or receive from 1 to 10 messages, up to a maximum total payload of 256 KB. You pay based on the number of requests, and requests are priced differently between standard and FIFO queues.

As part of the AWS Free Tier, there is no cost for the first million requests per month for standard queues and for the first million requests per month for FIFO queues. For more information, see Amazon SQS pricing.

With these updates and the increased throughput, you can cover the vast majority of use cases with FIFO queues.

Use Amazon SQS FIFO queues to have high throughput, exactly-once processing, and first-in-first-out delivery.


Amazon EBS Snapshots Archive is now available with AWS Backup

This post was originally published on this site

Today we announce the availability of Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) Snapshots Archive with AWS Backup. Previously available only in the Amazon EC2 console or Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager, this feature gives you the ability to transition your infrequently accessed Amazon EBS Snapshots to low-cost archive, long-term storage of your rarely-accessed snapshots that do not need frequent or fast retrieval.

Amazon EBS Snapshots Archive in the AWS Backup console
Snapshots Archive with AWS Backup is only available for snapshots with a backup frequency of one month or longer (28-day cron expression) and a retention of more than 90 days. This is a protective measure to ensure that you don’t archive snapshots, such as hourly snapshots that wouldn’t benefit from the transition to the cold tier.

Backup frequency

The ability to archive Amazon EBS Snapshots is a new parameter of the Lifecycle section of the AWS Backup Plans. You must explicitly opt into moving your Amazon EBS Snapshots to cold storage, because this has different properties of our existing cold storage including:

  1. Always converting an incremental backup to a full backup.
  2. Longer recovery time objective (RTO) (up to 72 hours).
  3. Limitations on the frequency of backups that can be transitioned to cold storage (monthly or greater).

Time in warm storage indicates how long the backups will remain in warm storage before they are transitioned to cold storage. Total retention period is the total time the backups will be retained by AWS Backup, and its value is the sum of both warm and cold storage. For backups in cold storage, the minimum retention period is 90 days. This is why the default total retention is 98 days (8 days in warm + 90 days in cold). The bar graph shows the total retention of your backups and where the backups will reside during that time. In the example shown in this graph, 8 days is in warm storage (red bar), and 90 days is in cold storage (blue bar).

Cold storage for Amazon EBS Snapshots

To restore or use the archived Amazon EBS snapshot today (outside of AWS Backup), you have to follow a two-step process:

  1. Temporarily or permanently restore the snapshot from archive to standard tier.
  2. Once it’s in standard tier, call the CreateVolume API from the standard tier.

With this announcement, using either the AWS Backup console or the API to restore the archived Amazon EBS snapshot in AWS Backup, the following restore workflow applies:

  1. Enter the number of days you want to temporarily restore your snapshot from cold to standard tier.
  2. Choose your volume configuration.

Restore archived EBS snapshot

The end result will be a restored EBS volume. You will not have to manually move the snapshot from cold to standard tier, then restore the volume, this will be done automatically for you.

Now available
Amazon EBS Snapshots Archive with AWS Backup is available for you today in all AWS Regions except China and AWS GovCloud (US).

As usual, you pay as you go, with no minimum or fixed fees. There are two metrics that influence Amazon EBS Snapshots Archive billing: data storage and data retrieval. You are charged for a 90-day period at minimum. This means that if you delete a snapshot archive or permanently restore it less than 90 days after creation, then we charge for the full 90-day period. The AWS Backup pricing page has the details.


Replication failback and increased IOPS are new for Amazon EFS

This post was originally published on this site

Today, Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) has introduced two new capabilities:

  • Replication failback – Failback support for EFS replication makes it easier and more cost-effective to synchronize changes between EFS file systems when performing disaster recovery (DR) workflows. You can now quickly replicate incremental changes from your secondary back to your primary file system after disaster events and other DR-related activities.
  • Increased IOPS – Amazon EFS now supports up to 250,000 read IOPS and up to 50,000 write IOPS per file system, making it easier to run more IOPS-heavy workloads at any scale for virtual servers, containers, and serverless functions that require shared storage.

Let’s see more in depth how these work in practice.

Introducing Amazon EFS replication failback
With Amazon EFS replication, you can create a replica of your file system in the same or in another AWS Region. When replication is enabled, Amazon EFS automatically keeps the primary (source) and secondary (destination) file systems synchronized. To help you meet your compliance and business continuity goals, EFS replication is designed to provide a recovery point objective (RPO) and a recovery time objective (RTO) measured in minutes.

Now, with failback support, you can respond to disaster recovery (DR) events, conduct planned business continuity tests, and manage other DR-related activities with greater speed and cost efficiency. Failback support allows you to switch the direction of replication between the primary and secondary file systems. EFS replication keeps the two file systems in sync by copying only incremental changes, eliminating the need to make full copies of your data or use a self-managed, custom solution to complete a recovery workflow.

Using Amazon EFS replication failback
I have a file system replicated to another Region. As part of a periodic DR test, I want to switch to using the secondary file system and then revert back to the primary file system, preserving all the changes made on the secondary file system. To do so, I can use EFS Replication failback in just a few steps.

First, I delete the replication from the primary (source) to the secondary (destination) file system. After this, the secondary file system becomes writable. To do so, in the Amazon EFS console, I check I am in the correct Region and select the secondary file system. In the Replication tab, I choose Delete replication and confirm deletion. I can also start from the primary file system. In that case, the Delete replication link in the Replication tab opens a new browser tab and asks to confirm deletion like before.

I can now use the secondary file system and change its data as needed.

To go back to using the primary file system, I create a “reverse replication” from the secondary to the primary file system. To do so, I check I am in the correct Region and select the secondary file system. In the Replication tab, I choose Create replication and the new option Replicate to existing file system. Then, I select the Region of the primary file system and use the console to browse the EFS file systems in that Region and choose the primary one.

Console screenshot.

The console warns me that Replication overwrite protection is enabled for the primary file system. I follow the Disable protection link to open a new browser tab and edit the primary file system to disable replication overwrite protection.

Console screenshot.

Now, I go back to the browser tab where I am creating the failback replication from the secondary to the primary file system. I refresh the protection check and choose to create the replication.

Console screenshot.

In the following dialog, I confirm that I want Amazon EFS to write to the primary file system.

Console screenshot.

To know when the primary file system is back in sync, I check the Last synced timestamp in the Replication tab, which indicates that all changes made to the source file system before that time are replicated to the destination. Optionally, I can look at the TimeSinceLastSync metric (expressed in minutes) in Amazon CloudWatch to understand how data is being replicated.

Console screenshot.

When the primary file system is back in sync, I delete the replication from the secondary to the primary file system. To complete the restore of the original configuration, I again create the replication from the primary to the secondary file system.

Increased IOPS per file system
The Amazon EFS team has been able to increase IOPS again! The last time they did it was just a few months back. Starting today, an EFS file system can handle up to 50,000 write IOPS (a 2x improvement) and up to 250,000 read IOPS (a 4.5x improvement) when working with frequently-accessed data from a high-performance cache managed by Amazon EFS.

You can monitor the percentage utilization of your file system’s available IOPS using the PercentIOLimit CloudWatch metric. This metric considers the maximum IOPS for writes and uncached reads, including combinations of the two. Reads from the cache are not included in the PercentIOLimit metric.

With these performance improvements, you can run even more IOPS-demanding workloads on Amazon EFS, such as machine learning (ML) training, fine-tuning, and inference. Other use cases that can benefit from the increased IOPS are data science user shares, SaaS applications, and media processing.

Things to know
EFS replication failback is available in all AWS Regions where EFS is available. There are no additional costs for using replication failback. You pay for the usual replication and file system changes as described in Amazon EFS pricing.

The increased IOPS limits are immediately available for all file systems using the Elastic Throughput mode in all Regions where EFS is available. You don’t need to do anything to benefit from these performance improvements. To achieve the maximum IOPS, your application needs sufficient parallelization. For example, using multiple clients and distributing the load across a large number of files. For more information, see the performance tips in the user guide.

Learn more
Amazon EFS product page
