The latest preview of PowerShellGet is now available on the PowerShell Gallery. In this new preview version of PowerShellGet, PowerShellGet is a compatibility module that allows use of PowerShellGet 2.x (and below) cmdlet syntax with PSResourceGet functionality by making a best effort mapping between the cmdlet interfaces of both versions of the module. This module is a continuation of the CompatPowerShellGet project, but will now be shipping under the PowerShellGet module name.
How to install the module
To install from PSResourceGet (which is included in PowerShell 7.4 Preview 5)
Install-PSResource PowerShellGet -Prerelease
To install from PowerShellGet 2.2.5
Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -AllowPrerelease -Force -AllowClobber
Note that Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet is also required to use this module,but it is not listed as a dependency as it is still in prerelease.
Expectations for the module
PowerShellGet is a compatibility module that allows use of PowerShellGet 2.x (and below) cmdlet syntax with PowerShellGet 3.0 (and newer) functionality by making a best effort mapping between the cmdlet interfaces of both versions of the module. For example, if a user has the PowerShellGet module installed and runs the command Install-Module PowerShellGet -AllowPrerelease
PowerShellGet module will get auto loaded into the PowerShell Session and will map the command to PSResourceGet syntax Install-PSResource PowerShellGet -Prerelease
The command will then be executed by the PowerShellGet 3.0 implementation.
This module is designed so that users will not need to immediately update their scripts in order to update to the latest version of PowerShellGet or to begin taking advantage of the performance improvements already available in PSResourceGet. We still do recommend that authors begin making the changes required to update their scripts to the new cmdlet interface if they would like to take advantage of the new features available in PSResourceGet (described in other blogs).
This compatibility module is designed so that it takes precedence over legacy versions of PowerShellGet. If you have this compatibility module installed and would not like it to be used, you can remove it from the PowerShell session using the Remove-Module command.
Please note that this flow is only possible if the user has both the PowerShellGet module installed and the Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet module installed. Once PSResourceGet is generally available it will be a dependency of future versions of PowerShellGet.
This module is expected to ship in PowerShell 7.5. We expect this module to reach GA in the early PowerShell 7.5 timeframe to maximize opportunity for quality feedback. We do not expect to introduce new features to this module, all new features will be designed in Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet. Some new features may work in this module as a side effect.
Going forward we do not plan to do any future releases of the CompatPowerShellGet module, all releases will be under the PowerShellGet name.
How to give feedback or get support
This version of the module is still in preview, meaning that bugs are expected. We really appreciate any feedback on the module. If you have any bug reports, questions, or suggestions for features please open up a bug report in the PowerShellGet repository.
PowerShell team
The post PowerShellGet 3.0.22-beta22 is now available appeared first on PowerShell Team.