Announcing PowerShell Crescendo 1.1.0 General Availability (GA)

This post was originally published on this site

We’re pleased to announce the availability of PowerShell Crescendo 1.1.0. Crescendo is a
framework to rapidly develop PowerShell cmdlets for common command line tools, regardless of

The release is now available for download on the
PowerShell Gallery.

Making Cmdlets with PowerShell Crescendo

Crescendo is a development accelerator enabling you to rapidly build PowerShell cmdlets that
leverage existing command-line tools. Crescendo amplifies the command-line experience of the
original tool to include object output for the PowerShell pipeline, privilege elevation, and
integrated help information. A Crescendo module replaces cumbersome command-line tools with
PowerShell cmdlets that are easier to use in automation and packaged to share with team members.

The 1.1 GA release includes the following features and benefits:

  • Updated schema to support additional features for this release.
  • Prevent overwrite of the module manifest and allow for module manifest adaptations.
  • Ability to bypass the output handler when the output of the native command doesn’t need to be
  • Improved error stream and error handling with Pop-CrescendoNativeError.
  • Added ability for parameter values to be translated via key/value pair with ArgumentTransform
    and ArgumentTransformType.
  • Improved code generation to reduce PSScriptAnalyzer output.
  • Improved error handling by setting $PSNativeCommandUseErrorActionPreference = $false.
  • Improved module metadata and added current Crescendo version to the module.

For more information about these changes, see What’s new in Crescendo 1.1.

Installing Crescendo


  • Microsoft.PowerShell.Crescendo requires PowerShell 7.2 or higher
  • Crescendo generated cmdlets require PowerShell 5.1 or higher

To install Microsoft.PowerShell.Crescendo:

Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerShell.Crescendo

To install Microsoft.PowerShell.Crescendo using the new PSResourceGet:

Install-PSResource -Name Microsoft.PowerShell.Crescendo

More information

To get started using Crescendo, check out the documentation.

Future plans

We value your ideas and feedback and hope you give Crescendo a try. Stop by our
GitHub repository and let us know of any issues you find or features you would like added.

The post Announcing PowerShell Crescendo 1.1.0 General Availability (GA) appeared first on PowerShell Team.

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