Category Archives: Powershell

Announcing the release of Get-WhatsNew

This post was originally published on this site

We are pleased to announce the release of Get-WhatsNew, a cmdlet that delivers feature
information about new versions of PowerShell to your local terminal experience.

Stay informed with Get-WhatsNew

Between General Availability (GA), Long-Term Servicing (LTS), and Previews release, PowerShell ships
updates several times a year. At this pace, PowerShell users may become unaware of new features and
changes that improve automation, performance and security. Today, this information is provided through
release notes and the PowerShell
GitHub repository. Get-WhatsNew enables you to:

  • Learn about new features that enable new solutions
  • Get version-specific information to make upgrade decisions
  • View the information in disconnected scenarios (data ships with module)
  • View the information in Windows PowerShell 5.1 and higher
  • Get information for a single random feature for a message-of-the-day (MOTD) experience
  • Quickly open the release notes on the web version using the Online option

Installing WhatsNew

The Get-WhatsNew cmdlet ships in the
module, which can be installed from the PowerShell Gallery.


  • Microsoft.PowerShell.WhatsNew is a cross platform module that requires Windows PowerShell 5.1
    or higher

To install Microsoft.PowerShell.WhatsNew:

Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerShell.WhatsNew

To install Microsoft.PowerShell.WhatsNew using the new

Install-PSResource -Name Microsoft.PowerShell.WhatsNew

Using Get-WhatsNew

Get-WhatsNew displays PowerShell features by version. The cmdlet includes
complete help with several examples. Here are some highlights to get started:

To get the complete help information for Get-WhatsNew

Get-Help Get-WhatsNew -Full

To display the release notes for the version of PowerShell in which the cmdlet is running.


To display the release notes for PowerShell 7.2 regardless of which version the cmdlet is running.

Get-WhatsNew -Version 7.2

To display one randomly selected section of the release notes per version of PowerShell selected.
Add this to your profile to receive a Message-Of-The-Day (motd).

Get-WhatsNew -Daily -Version 6.0, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2

Future plans

We value your ideas and feedback and hope you will give WhatsNew a try. Stop by our
GitHub repository and let us know of any issues you find
or features you would like added.

The post Announcing the release of Get-WhatsNew appeared first on PowerShell Team.

PowerShell Extension for Visual Studio Code July 2022 Update

This post was originally published on this site

We are excited to announce that the July update to the PowerShell Extension for Visual Studio Code

is now available on the extension marketplace.

This release renames the “PowerShell Integrated Console” to the “PowerShell Extension Terminal” to align with VS Code’s verbiage, adds many regression tests, and includes a number of bug fixes!

Updates in the July release

Note that these updates all shipped in our PowerShell Preview Extension
for VS Code before shipping in our stable channel.

Some highlights of July release:

For the full list of changes please refer to our changelog.

Improvements to our tests

We are currently building out regression tests for the extension to cover everything we broke and subsequently fixed during the major rewrite earlier this year. We have a strong focus on quality,
and want to ensure we continue to deliver a production-ready, high-quality extension to you, our users.
We have made a large investment in improving the extension so we want to be able to
confidently continue to iterate on this project without inadvertently impacting the performance, stability, or feature set.

We’ve begun this work already, and are tracking in our GitHub repository.

Some highlights of this work so far include:

Getting support and giving feedback

While we hope the new implementation provides a much better user experience, there are bound to be issues. Please let us know if you run into anything.

If you encounter any issues with the PowerShell Extension in Visual Studio Code or have feature requests, the best place to get support is through our GitHub repository.

PowerShell Team

The post PowerShell Extension for Visual Studio Code July 2022 Update appeared first on PowerShell Team.

PowerShellGet 3.0 Preview 16

This post was originally published on this site

We are excited to announce that an update to our preview of PowerShellGet 3.0 is now available on the PowerShell Gallery!

This release includes ScriptFileInfo cmdlets, Update-ModuleManifest support, and an AuthenticodeCheck for Install.

How to Install PowerShellGet 3.0 Preview 16


Please note that this preview release of PowerShellGet 3.0 does not support PowerShell 7.0, 7.1 or 7.2-preview1.

This is a temporary issue due to a dependency and should be resolved in future releases. This release does support Windows PowerShell 5.1, PowerShell 7.2 and 7.3-previews.

Please ensure that you have the latest (non-prerelease) version of PowerShellGet and PackageManagement installed. To check the version you currently have installed run the command Get-InstalledModule PowerShellGet, PackageManagement

The latest version of PowerShellGet is 2.2.5, and the latest version of PackageManagement is 1.4.7. To install the latest versions of these modules run the following: Install-Module PowerShellGet -Force -AllowClobber

Installing the Preview

To install this preview release side-by-side with your existing PowerShellGet version, open any PowerShell console and run: Install-Module PowerShellGet -Force -AllowPrerelease

What to expect in this update

This update adds a number of cmdlets related to package metadata as well as a new -AuthenticodeCheck parameter for Install-PSResourceSave-PSResourceUpdate-PSResource.

Features of this release

  • New-ScriptFileInfo
  • Update-ScriptFileInfo
  • Test-ScriptFileInfo
  • Update-ModuleManifest
  • Implementation of Authenticode validation via -AuthenticodeCheck for Install-PSResource

Bug Fixes

  • Bug fix for installing modules with manifests that contain dynamic script blocks

Using -AuthenticodeCheck

In PowerShellGetv2 we performed what was called a PublisherCheck, for the sake of clarity in PowerShellGet 3.0 we have renamed this check to be specific to the check being made. The parameter is now opt-in and is called -AuthenticodeCheck. This check validates signed files and catalog files on Windows.

Features to Expect in Coming Preview Releases

This module is not yet complete. The focus for our next preview release is improving the performance of find/install. For the full list of issues for our next preview release please refer to our GitHub project.

How to Track the Development of this Module

GitHub is the best place to track the bugs/feature requests related to this module. We have used a combination of projects and labels on our GitHub repo to track issues for this upcoming release. We are using the label Resolved-3.0 to label issues that we plan to release at some point before we release the module as GA (generally available).

To track issues/features for the next release, please refer to this GitHub project.

Timeline/Road Map

Expect to see preview releases as new functionality is added and bug fixes are made. User feedback will help us determine when we can have a Release Candidate version of the module which will be supported to be used in production. Based on user feedback, if we believe the 3.0 release is complete, then we will publish a 3.0 version of the module as Generally Available. Since these milestones are driven by quality, rather than date, we cannot offer an exact timeline at this point.

How to Give feedback and Get Support

We cannot overstate how critical user feedback is at this stage in the development of the module. Feedback from preview releases help inform design decisions without incurring a breaking change once generally available and used in production.

In order to help us to make key decisions around the behavior of the module please give us feedback by opening issues in our GitHub repository.

Sydney Smith

PowerShell Team

The post PowerShellGet 3.0 Preview 16 appeared first on PowerShell Team.

Archive Module 2.0 Preview 1

This post was originally published on this site

We are excited to announce that the first preview of a rewrite of Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive, the module that lets you create and extract archives, is now available on the PowerShell Gallery.

This release is the first preview release of a rewrite of the module and is not feature complete. Please note that this release only contains the Compress-Archive cmdlet and is only compatible with PowerShell 7.3.0-preview5 and up. For more information on what is proposed in this rewrite, or to give feedback on the design please refer to the RFC.

Goals of the 2.0 release

The goal for the Archive module is to build a high-performing and maintainable module that offers high utility and works cross-platform (especially with regard to file paths).

Currently, the archive module has a number of limitations. The module supports the zip32 format only. .NET 7 is planned to support the tar archive format, so there is an opportunity to support an additional archive format by taking advantage of these new APIs. Meanwhile, this opportunity can be leveraged not only to add tar support, but to rewrite the entire module in C# and address existing usability issues.

The module has limited performance compared to other archive software. Although performance is dictated by the .NET APIs, a rewrite of the module in C# can reduce the overhead from script modules and address performance issues to an extent.

The module has limited cross-platform support because archive entries are written in an OS-specific way due to different characters being used as directory separators in different OSs. This makes it difficult for Unix-based OS users to use archives compressed on a Windows computer or vice versa. The rewrite of the module can solve this problem by normalizing all paths to use Unix directory separators (the ‘/’ character) across all platforms.

There are a number of issues in regard to using wildcard characters in paths. For example, in some cases, wildcard characters are not interpreted literally, which makes it difficult to use paths containing wildcard characters to specify the location of the archive.

In some circumstances, error reporting can be improved and more descriptive. Compatibility with other archive software can also be improved as there are cases where an archive program may not recognize an archive produced by this module as valid. Interactions with other parts of PowerShell, such as the job system, advanced functions, and common parameters can be further improved, so that users can have a seamless experience when using the module.

Additionally, .NET has supported creating large archives and compressing large files, but the archive module has lacked support for this. It makes sense to support archive formats that are supported by .NET, such as zip64 and tar, and to provide options that .NET also provides. The next version of the archive module, Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive v2.0.0, plans on resolving these limitations and usability issues.

Installing the module

Please note that this release will only work with PowerShell 7.3.0-preview5 and up. Find and install the latest preview version of PowerShell here.

To install the Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive 2.0 preview 1 run the following command

Install-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive -AllowPrerelease

Features of the release

This release is not feature complete and only contains the rewrite of the Compress-Archive cmdlet.

This cmdlet contains two parameter sets

    Compress-Archive [-Path] <string[]> [-DestinationPath] <string> [-WriteMode {Create | Update | Overwrite}] [-PassThru] [-CompressionLevel {Optimal | Fastest |
    NoCompression | SmallestSize}] [-Format {zip}] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]

    Compress-Archive [-LiteralPath] <string[]> [-DestinationPath] <string> [-WriteMode {Create | Update | Overwrite}] [-PassThru] [-CompressionLevel {Optimal |
    Fastest | NoCompression | SmallestSize}] [-Format {zip}] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]

Some features to note of this release

  • Support for zip32 & zip64
  • Preserves relative path structure (when relative paths are specified)
  • Improved performance from previous versions of the cmdlet
  • New -WriteMode support in case of destination path collisions

Features of the next release

The next release will focus in the Expand-Archive cmdlet. To track the progress of this release, look at this project in our GitHub repository.

Giving Feedback and Getting support

While we hope the new implementation provides a much better user experience, there are bound to be issues. Please let us know if you run into anything.

If you encounter any issues with the PowerShell Extension in Visual Studio Code or have feature requests, the best place to get support is through our GitHub repository.

Abdullah Yousuf

Sydney Smith

The post Archive Module 2.0 Preview 1 appeared first on PowerShell Team.

PowerShell Extension for Visual Studio Code June 2022 Update

This post was originally published on this site

We are excited to announce that an update to the PowerShell Extension for Visual Studio Code is now available on the extension marketplace.

This release fixes a number of issues related to IntelliSense and enables updates to PowerShell Editor Services (the engine of the VS Code extension) for other clients, such as Emacs and Vim with LSP plug-ins.

Updates from the June releases

Some highlights of June releases:

For the full list of changes please refer to our changelog.

IntelliSense improvements

In this release we have made a number of improvements to IntelliSense (the general term for various code editing features including: code completion, parameter info, tool-tip hovers, etc.).

Mark completion request handler as serial

Previously, if you typed Get- very quickly, you’d get no results at all. This stops completion from being cancelled whenever a DidChangeTextDocument notification is sent. This also lets completion cancel some other expensive requests like code lenses, which means everything is both speedier and less flaky.

Fix tasks never completing if cancelled quickly

We were exiting SynchronousTask.ExecuteSynchronously early if the cancellation was already requested. This was not setting our state correctly, causing the caller to just fall off without warning. This made some things like finally and using disposals never happen, which led to a lot of erratic behavior!

Make alias discovery possible on idle

The use of Runspace.SessionStateProxy while the pipeline thread is busy (even if you are on the pipeline thread) results in an exception. By fixing this we can also cancel GetAliasesAsync (a slow operation) when needed, and do it while idling instead of startup.

Add “space” character to completion trigger characters

Adding the “space” character to completion triggers lets us automatically give completion results for parameter values. This also required building in some support for marking completion results as “incomplete”. This means that the client will not cache results when standard identifier characters are typed.

Mainly, this solves the scenario where you type space, get file completion results, and then type -. You expect to then get parameter names, but without marking “incomplete”, it will instead filter the file results.

Also fixed a scenario where you type $script: and on typing the : it would not update to available script scope variables.

Make completion requests cancellable

Now any completion results from custom argument completers can be cancelled if they take too long and the user keeps typing. In non-remote runspaces, we can also use it as a completion source that we can cancel by way of issuing a pipeline stop request.

What’s next for the project?

We are currently building out regression tests for the extension to cover everything we broke and subsequently fixed during the major rewrite earlier this year. We have a strong focus on quality, and want to ensure we continue to deliver a production-ready, high-quality extension to you, our users. We have made a large investment in improving the extension so we want to be able to confidently continue to iterate on this project without inadvertently impacting the performance, stability, or feature set. We’ve begun this work already, and are tracking in our GitHub repository.

Getting support and giving feedback

While we hope the new implementation provides a much better user experience, there are bound to be issues. Please let us know if you run into anything.

If you encounter any issues with the PowerShell Extension in Visual Studio Code or have feature requests, the best place to get support is through our GitHub repository.


PowerShell Team

The post PowerShell Extension for Visual Studio Code June 2022 Update appeared first on PowerShell Team.

Hosting PowerShell in a Python script

This post was originally published on this site

Yes Virginia, languages other than PowerShell do exist.

I was working with a partner group here at Microsoft and they explained that they wanted to parse PowerShell scripts from Python.
Their natural approach was to invoke the PowerShell executable and construct a command-line that did what they needed.
I thought there might be a better way as creating a new PowerShell process each time is expensive, so I started doing a bit of research to see something could be done.
I’ve been aware of IronPython (Python that tightly integrates .NET) for a long time, and
we met with Jim Hugunin shortly after he arrived at Microsoft and PowerShell was just getting underway,
but the group is using cPython so I went hunting for Python modules that host .NET and found the pythonnet module.

The pythonnet package gives Python developers extremely easy access to the dotnet runtime from Python.
I thought this package might be the key for accessing PowerShell,
after some investigation I found that it has exactly what I needed to host PowerShell in a Python script.

The guts

I needed to figure out a way to load the PowerShell engine.
First, there are a couple of requirements to make this all work.
Dotnet has to be available, as does PowerShell and pythonnet provides a way to specify where to look for dotnet.
Setting the environment variable DOTNET_ROOT to the install location,
enables pythonnet a way find the assemblies and other support files to host .NET.

import os
os.environ["DOTNET_ROOT"] = "/root/.dotnet"

Now that we know where dotnet is, we need to load up the CLR and set up the runtime configuration.
The runtime configuration describes various aspects of how we’ll run.
We can create a very simple pspython.runtimeconfig.json

  "runtimeOptions": {
    "tfm": "net6.0",
    "framework": {
      "name": "Microsoft.NETCore.App",
      "version": "6.0.0"

The combination of the DOTNET_ROOT and the runtime configuration enables
loading the CLR with the get_coreclr and set_runtime functions.

# load up the clr
from clr_loader import get_coreclr
from pythonnet import set_runtime
rt = get_coreclr("/root/pspython.runtimeconfig.json")

Now that we have the CLR loaded, we need to load the PowerShell engine.
This was a little non-obvious.
Initially, I just attempted to load System.Management.Automation.dll but that failed
due to a strong name validation error.
However, If I loaded Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.dll first, I can avoid that error.
I’m not yet sure about why I need to load this assembly first, that’s still something
I need to determine.

import clr
import sys
import System
from System import Environment
from System import Reflection

psHome = r'/opt/microsoft/powershell/7/'

mmi = psHome + r'Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.dll'
from Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure import *

full_filename = psHome + r'System.Management.Automation.dll'
from System.Management.Automation import *
from System.Management.Automation.Language import Parser

Eventually I would like to make the locations of dotnet and PSHOME configurable,
but for the moment, I have what I need.

Now that the PowerShell engine is available to me,
I created a couple of helper functions to make handling the results easier from Python.
I also created a PowerShell object (PowerShell.Create()) that I will use in some of my functions.

ps = PowerShell.Create()
def PsRunScript(script):
    result = ps.Invoke()
    rlist = []
    for r in result:
    return rlist

class ParseResult:
    def __init__(self, scriptDefinition, tupleResult):
        self.ScriptDefinition = scriptDefinition
        self.Ast = tupleResult[0]
        self.Tokens = tupleResult[1]
        self.Errors = tupleResult[2]

    def PrintAst(self):

    def PrintErrors(self):
        for e in self.Errors:

    def PrintTokens(self):
        for t in self.Tokens:

    def FindAst(self, astname):
        Func = getattr(System, "Func`2")
        func = Func[System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast, bool](lambda a : type(a).__name__ == astname)
        asts = self.Ast.FindAll(func, True)
        return asts

def ParseScript(scriptDefinition):
    token = None
    error = None
    # this returns a tuple of ast, tokens, and errors rather than the c# out parameter
    ast = Parser.ParseInput(scriptDefinition, token, error)
    # ParseResult will bundle the 3 parts into something more easily consumed.
    pr = ParseResult(scriptDefinition, ast)
    return pr

def ParseFile(filePath):
    token = None
    error = None
    # this returns a tuple of ast, tokens, and errors rather than the c# out parameter
    ast = Parser.ParseFile(filePath, token, error)
    # ParseResult will bundle the 3 parts into something more easily consumed.
    pr = ParseResult(filePath, ast)
    return pr

def PrintResults(result):
    for r in result:

I really wanted to mimic the PowerShell AST methods with some more friendly Python functions.
To create the FindAst() function, I needed to combine the delegate in c# with the lambda feature in Python.
Normally, in PowerShell, this would look like:

$ast.FindAll({$args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst]}, $true)

But I thought from a Python script, it would easier to use the name of the type.
You still need to know the name of the type,
but bing is great for that sort of thing.
As I said, I don’t really know the Python language,
so I expect there are better ways to handle the Collection[PSObject] that Invoke() returns.
I found that I had to iterate over the result no matter what, so I built it into the convenience function.
Anyone with suggestions is more than welcome to improve this.

The glory

Now that we have the base module together, we can write some pretty simple Python to
execute our PowerShell scripts.
Invoking a PowerShell script is now as easy as:


from pspython import *

scriptDefinition = 'Get-ChildItem'
print(f"Run the script: '{scriptDefinition}")
result = PsRunScript(scriptDefinition)

You’ll notice that the output is not formatted by PowerShell.
This is because Python is just taking the .NET objects and (essentially) calling ToString() on them.

It’s also possible to retrieve objects and then manage formatting via PowerShell.
This example retrieves objects via Get-ChildItem,
selects those files that start with “ps” in Python,
and then creates a string result in table format.

scriptDefinition = 'Get-ChildItem'
result = list(filter(lambda r: r.BaseObject.Name.startswith('ps'), PsRunScript(scriptDefinition)))
ps.Commands.AddCommand("Out-String").AddParameter("Stream", True).AddParameter("InputObject", result)
strResult = ps.Invoke()
# print results
    Directory: /root

UnixMode   User             Group                 LastWriteTime           Size Name
--------   ----             -----                 -------------           ---- ----
-rwxr-xr-x root             dialout             6/17/2022 01:30           1117
-rwxr-xr-x root             dialout             6/16/2022 18:55           2474
-rwxr-xr-x root             dialout             6/16/2022 21:43            684

But that’s not all

We can also call static methods on PowerShell types.
Those of you that noticed in my module there are a couple of language related functions.
The ParseScript and ParseFile functions allow us to call the PowerShell language parser
enabling some very interesting scenarios.

Imagine I wanted to determine what commands a script is calling.
The PowerShell AST makes that a breeze, but first we have to use the parser.
In PowerShell, that would be done like this:

$tokens = $errors = $null
$AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile("myscript.ps1", [ref]$tokens, [ref]$errors)

The resulting AST is stored in $AST, the tokens in $tokens, and the errors in $errors.
With this Python module, I encapsulate that into the Python function ParseFile,
which returns an object containing all three of those results in a single element.
I also created a couple of helper functions to print the tokens and errors more easily.
Additionally, I created a function that allows me to look for any type of AST (or sub AST)
in any arbitrary AST.

parseResult = ParseFile(scriptFile)
commandAst = parseResult.FindAst("CommandAst")
commands = set()
for c in commandAst:
    commandName = c.GetCommandName()
    # sometimes CommandName is null, don't include those
    if commandName != None:

Note that there is a check for commandName not being null.
This is because when & $commandName is used, the command name cannot be
determined via static analysis since the command name is determined at run-time.

…a few, uh, provisos, uh, a couple of quid pro quo

First, you have to have dotnet installed (via the install-dotnet),
as well as a full installation of PowerShell.
pythonnet doesn’t run on all versions of Python,
I’ve tested it only on Python 3.8 and Python 3.9 on Ubuntu20.04.
As of the time I wrote this, I couldn’t get it to run on Python 3.10.
There’s more info on pythonnet at the pythonnet web-site.
Also, this is a hosted instance of PowerShell.
Some things, like progress, and verbose, and errors may act a bit differently than you
would see from pwsh.exe.
Over time, I will probably add additional helper functions to retrieve more runtime information
from the engine instance.
If you would like to pitch in, I’m happy to take Pull Requests or to simply understand your use cases integrating PowerShell and Python.

Take it out for a spin

I’ve wrapped all of this up and added a Dockerfile (running on Ubuntu 20.04) on
To create the docker image, just run
Docker build --tag pspython:demo .
from the root of the repository.

The post Hosting PowerShell in a Python script appeared first on PowerShell Team.

PowerShellGet 3.0 Preview 14

This post was originally published on this site

We are excited to announce that an update to our preview of PowerShellGet 3.0 is now available on the PowerShell Gallery!

This release includes support for PSResourceRepository credential persistence, as well as support for RequiredResourceFiles for Install.

How to Install PowerShellGet 3.0 Preview 14


Please ensure that you have the latest (non-prerelease) version of PowerShellGet and PackageManagement installed. To check the version you currently have installed run the command Get-InstalledModule PowerShellGet, PackageManagement

The latest version of PowerShellGet is 2.2.5, and the latest version of PackageManagement is 1.4.7. To install the latest versions of these modules run the following: Install-Module PowerShellGet -Force -AllowClobber

Installing the Preview

To install this preview release side-by-side with your existing PowerShellGet version, open any PowerShell console and run: Install-Module PowerShellGet -Force -AllowPrerelease

What to expect in this update

The key features and bug fixes are listed below, for the full list of changes please refer to the Changelog.

Features of this release

  • -Scope parameter for Get-PSResource and Uninstall-PSResource
  •  -CredentialInfo parameter for Register-PSResourceRepository
  • Clt+C support for Find-PSResource
  • -RequiredResource parameter for Install-PSResource
  • Publish-PSResource Script publishing support
  • -Prerelease support for Uninstall-PSResource
  • Install-PSResource -RequiredResourceFile parameter for psd1 and json
  • -RequiredResource parameter Install-PSResource

Bug Fixes

  • RequiredModules support for publishing
  • Register-PSResourceRepository -Repositories parameter renamed to -Repository
  • Rename PSResourceInfo’s PrereleaseLabel property to match Prerelease column displayed
  • Parameter consistency: change url to uri

Using Credential Persistence

This community contributed feature allows you to provide information about where a credential is stored when registering the PSResourceRepository using a -CredentialInfo parameter. This parameter takes a PSCredentialInfo object which takes a vault name and secret name. The secret will then be pulled to authenticate to the Repository on Find and Install calls. This feature takes advantage of SecretManagement, for more information on SecretManagement refer the documentation.


  • Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement
  • Any vault extension registered (for this example I will use Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore)
  • A repository to connect to (for this example I will use Artifactory)

Getting started

For this example I am going to be using SecretStore to store my credentials for an Artifactory repository. This can be repeated with any SecretManagement extension vault, and with any repository. First, I need to make sure I have a SecretManagement vault set up, with my credential stored. Currently this feature only supports the PSCredential secret type, however, we have an issue to track support for other types.

PS C:Users > Get-SecretInfo
Name          Type         VaultName
----          ----         ---------
jFrogCred     PSCredential SecretStore

Then I can create a PSCredentialInfo object to pass into my PSResourceRepository registration, to create this I pass in the name of the vault and the name of the secret.

$credentialInfo = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.PowerShellGet.UtilClasses.PSCredentialInfo ("SecretStore", "jfrogCred")

Now I am ready to register the PSResourceRepository, I will pass in a friendly name, a URI for the repository, and the CredentialInfo. I also use the -Trusted switch because I will be controlling what gets published to the repository.

Register-PSResourceRepository -Name artifactory `
-URI " https://<name><Repository-Name>
-Trusted `
-CredentialInfo $credentialInfo 

Now I can run Get-PSResourceRepository to see my registered repositories

PS C:Users > Get-PSResourceRepository

Name        Uri                                                                                     Trusted Priority
----        ---                                                                                     ------- --------
artifactory https://<name><Repository-Name>                      True    50      
PSGallery                                                False   50  

If the repository is empty you are going to want to begin by publishing to it. I have saved my API key for publishing to the repository in my SecretStore.

Publish-PSResource -Path .Get-Hello -Repository artifactory -ApiKey (Get-Secret jfrogPublish)

Now I can find and install PSResources from my repository without needing to provide a credential at each call.

PS C:Users> Find-PSResource -Name Get-Hello -Repository artifactory

Name      Version Prerelease Repository  Description
----      ------- ---------- ----------  -----------
Get-Hello            artifactory test module

PS C:Users> Install-PSResource Get-Hello

Using Required Resources

Install-PSResource can accept a path to a psd1 or json file (using -RequiredResourceFile), or a hashtable or json (using -RequiredResource).

Getting Started

The -RequiredResource parameter can take either a hashtable or a json format string. The following example shows how to format these inputs.

Install-PSResource -RequiredResource @{
  'Configuration' = @{
    version = '[1.3.1,2.0]'
    repository = 'PSGallery'                        
  'Pester'        = @{
    version = '[4.4.2,4.7.0]'
    repository = 'PSGallery'
    allowPrerelease = $true

In this case the modules named “Configuration”, and “Pester” will be installed. The json format will be the same as if this hashtable is passed to ConvertTo-Json:

  'Pester': {
    'allowPrerelease': true,
    'version': '[4.4.2,4.7.0]',
    'repository': 'PSGallery'
  'Configuration': {
    'version': '[1.3.1,2.0]',
    'repository': 'PSGallery'

 Declared dependencies are searched and installed using the same trust algorithm as for Install-PSResource.

The -RequiredResourceFile parameter can accept either a psd1 or a json file. The psd1 should use the same format as the hashtable above, the json file should use the same format as the json sting above.

Features to Expect in Coming Preview Releases

This module is not yet feature complete. Below is a list of features which you can expect to see in the next preview release.

  • New-ScriptFileInfo cmdlet
  • Test-ScriptFileInfo cmdlet
  • Update-ScriptFileInfo cmdlet
  • Update-ModuleManifest cmdlet
  • -AuthenticodeCheck parameter switch for Save, Install, Update

Using the CompatPowerShellGet module

CompatPowerShellGet is a compatibility module that allows use of PowerShellGet 2.x (and below) cmdlet syntax with PowerShellGet 3.0 (and above) functionality by making a best effort mapping between the cmdlet interfaces of both versions of the module. New PowerShell scripts that only leverage PowerShellGet v3 cmdlets do not need to use this compatibility module. For example, if a user has the CompatPowerShellGet module installed and runs the command:

Install-Module PowerShellGet -MinimumVersion 1 -MaximumVersion 2 -AllowPrerelease

the CompatPowerShellGet module will get autoloaded into the PowerShell Session and will map the command to PowerShellGet 3.0 syntax:

Install-PSResource PowerShellGet -Version "[1,2]" -Prerelease" 

The command will then be executed by the PowerShellGet 3.0 implementation. The user will also get a warning to update their script to the new cmdlet interface:

WARNING: The cmdlet 'Install-Module' is deprecated, please use 'Install-PSResource.

This module is designed so that users will not need to immediately update their scripts in order to update to the latest version of PowerShell or to begin taking advantage of the performance improvements already available in PowerShellGet 3.0. We still do recommend that authors begin making the minimal changes required to update their scripts to the new cmdlet interface.

This compatibility module is designed so that it takes precedence over legacy versions of PowerShellGet. If you have this compatibility module installed and would not like it to be used, you can remove it from the PowerShell session using the Remove-Module command.

Please note that this flow is only possible if the user has both the CompatPowerShellGet module installed and the PowerShellGet 3.0 preview module installed. Once PowerShellGet 3.0 is generally available it will be a dependency of CompatPowerShellGet.

Please also note that this compatibility module will not be called if you use fully qualified cmdlets. For example, if you use PowerShellGetInstall-Module this will call a legacy version of PowerShellGet. If this is a common scenario for you, and will be a barrier to migrating to PowerShellGet 3.0 we would appreciate that feedback in our GitHub repository.

How to Track the Development of this Module

GitHub is the best place to track the bugs/feature requests related to this module. We have used a combination of projects and labels on our GitHub repo to track issues for this upcoming release. We are using the label Resolved-3.0 to label issues that we plan to release at some point before we release the module as GA (generally available).

To track issues/features for the next release, please refer to this GitHub project.

How to Give feedback and Get Support

We cannot overstate how critical user feedback is at this stage in the development of the module. Feedback from preview releases help inform design decisions without incurring a breaking change once generally available and used in production.

In order to help us to make key decisions around the behavior of the module please give us feedback by opening issues in our GitHub repository.

Sydney Smith

PowerShell Team

The post PowerShellGet 3.0 Preview 14 appeared first on PowerShell Team.

Major update to the PowerShell Extension for Visual Studio Code

This post was originally published on this site

An updated version of our PowerShell extension is now available on the Visual Studio Code marketplace.

This update represents a complete overhaul of the core PowerShell engine of PowerShell Editor Services, intending to create a more reliable and stable user experience. This release represents nearly two years’ work, tracked in PSES #1295 and implemented in PSES #1459. It is our response to many issues opened by users over the last several years.

Thank you to all of the community members who opened issues which helped motivate this major update.

These major updates have also been tested over the last 6 months, in 13 releases of our PowerShell Preview extension for Visual Studio Code. A huge thank you to all of the community members who have tested these changes to the extension and have worked with us to polish the extension before releasing it through our stable channel.

For information on getting started with the PowerShell extension for Visual Studio Code refer to our documentation.

Highlights of the release

  • Rewrite of PowerShell pipeline execution with cancellable and ordered tasks
  • Loads of debugger reliability improvements
  • ReadKey fix (including better pasting on macOS and Linux, and a whole bunch of other bugs!)
  • Revamped PSHost implementation that reuses PowerShell’s built-in functionality wherever possible
  • Improved testing (in VS Code repo and PSES repo)
  • Improved completion logic (and more icons!)
  • Modernized built-in snippets
  • Improved user interface with built-in Codicons
  • Improved settings editor experience
  • Support debugging without a workspace
  • Support to debug other PowerShell processes and runspaces
  • DictionaryEntry displayed as key/value pairs in debugger
  • Removed PackageManagement module update prompt
  • Enabled resolution of an alias to its function definition
  • Fix formatting handlers and PSScriptAnalyzer loading
  • Performance improvements with better cancellation logic

For a complete list of changes please refer to our changelog.

More about the update

We began our work for this update with the following goals for the release to our stable extension

  • More reliable/stable experience overall
  • All tests are enabled and improved in both client (extension) and server (PSES) repositories
  • Feature parity with previous extension experience (or intentional depreciation of features)
  • No new moderate to high impact bugs

To accomplish these goals we focused on the threading model for the extension.

Previously the Integrated Console, the shell that is provided by the PowerShell extension, was run by setting threadpool tasks on a shared main runspace, and where LSP, Language Server Protocol, servicing was done with PowerShell idle events. This lead to overhead, threading issues and a complex implementation intended to work around the asymmetry between PowerShell as a synchronous, single-threaded runtime and a language server as an asynchronous, multi-threaded service.

Now, PowerShell Editor Services maintains its own dedicated pipeline thread, which is able to service requests similar to JavaScript’s event loop, meaning we can run everything synchronously on the correct thread. This prevents an entire class of race conditions, leading to more reliable and bug-free code. We also get more efficiency because we can directly call PowerShell APIs and code written in C# from this thread, without the overhead of a PowerShell pipeline.

This change has overhauled how we service LSP requests, how the Integrated Console works, how PSReadLine is integrated, how debugging is implemented, how remoting is handled, and a long tail of other features in PowerShell Editor Services.

Also, in making it, while 6,000 lines of code were added, we removed 12,000, for a more maintainable, more efficient and easier to understand extension backend.

What’s next for the extension

Beyond this release our intention is to remain focused on incremental improvements to the stability, reliability, and consistency of the extension. These next work items are enumerated in our GitHub Projects.

In particular we plan to focus on known issues with debugging and start-up.

Feedback and Support

While we hope the new implementation provides a much better user experience, there are bound to be issues. Please let us know if you run into anything.

If you encounter any issues with the PowerShell extension in Visual Studio Code or have feature requests, the best place to get support is through our GitHub repository.


Sydney Smith

PowerShell Team

The post Major update to the PowerShell Extension for Visual Studio Code appeared first on PowerShell Team.

Announcing PowerShell Crescendo General Availability (GA)

This post was originally published on this site

We are pleased to announce the General Availability (GA) release of PowerShell Crescendo, a
framework to rapidly develop PowerShell cmdlets for common command line tools, regardless of

The release is now available for download on the
PowerShell Gallery.

Making Cmdlets with PowerShell Crescendo

Crescendo is a development accelerator enabling you to rapidly build PowerShell cmdlets that
leverage existing command-line tools. Crescendo amplifies the command-line experience of the
original tool to include object output for the PowerShell pipeline, privilege elevation, and
integrated help information. A Crescendo module replaces cumbersome command-line tools with
PowerShell cmdlets that are easier to use in automation and packaged to share with team members.

The GA release includes the following features and benefits:

  • Ability to define cmdlets from simple key/value statements in a JSON file
  • Support for modular design – cmdlet definitions can be in a one or more JSON files
  • A JSON schema that helps you create your Crescendo configuration using IntelliSense and tooltips
  • Three styles of output handling code allowing you to separate your code from the cmdlet
    definitions for easier debugging and development
  • Privilege elevation mechanisms in Windows, Linux, and macOS
  • Crescendo generates a PowerShell script module ready for deployment
  • While Crescendo requires PowerShell 7 or higher for authoring configurations, the generated module
    can run on Windows PowerShell 5.1 and higher
  • Example configurations for you to copy and reuse
  • Experimental Help parsers that provide proof-of-concept examples for auto-generating cmdlet

Installing Crescendo


  • Microsoft.PowerShell.Crescendo requires PowerShell 7.0 or higher

To install Microsoft.PowerShell.Crescendo:

Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerShell.Crescendo

To install Microsoft.PowerShell.Crescendo using the new

Install-PSResource -Name Microsoft.PowerShell.Crescendo

More information

To get started using Crescendo, check out the

Future plans

We value your ideas and feedback and hope you will give Crescendo a try. Stop by our
GitHub repository and let us know of any issues you find
or features you would like added.

The post Announcing PowerShell Crescendo General Availability (GA) appeared first on PowerShell Team.

When PowerShellGet v1 fails to install the NuGet Provider

This post was originally published on this site

Recently there’s been a number of users who have encountered a particular bug with PowerShellGet in Windows PowerShell.
This bug occurs when you try to to use a PowerShellGet cmdlet that is dependent on PackageManagement,
including cmdlets such as Find-Module, Install-Module, Save-Module, etc. Running any of these cmdlets will prompt you to install
the NuGet provider that both PowerShellGet and PackageManagement are dependent on. Even though the prompt offers two ways to
install the provider– you can run ‘Y’ to have PowerShellGet automatically install the provider, or you can run
‘Install-PackageProvider’ yourself– both of these suggestions fail.

Unable to find package provider

But, again, even when attempting to explicitly install the package provider, the process command fails.
Unable to install package provider

The earliest version of PackageManagement (version did not ship with the NuGet provider, so any use of PowerShellGet also required that the NuGet provider be bootstrapped or explicitly installed. Understandably, it can be a source of deep frustration when the tool you use to install packages is dependent on a package that it cannot install.

The underlying issue here is that the remote endpoint used to bootstrap the provider requires TLS 1.2 and the client may not have it enabled. The two options below should help you resolve any issues encountered when attempting to install the NuGet provider and get back up and running again with PowerShellGet!

How to find the versions you’re using

You can find out what version of PowerShellGet and PackageManagement you’re using by running:

Get-Module PowerShellGet, PackageManagement -ListAvailable

The output will be order by priority, so if multiple paths are displayed, the top first path will be the one that gets referenced during an import.

If the version of PackageManagement you’re using is then this issue will likely apply to you.

Option 1: Change your TLS version to 1.2

The easiest thing to do here is to update the TLS version on your machine. It’s highly recommended to use this option, but if necessary you can manually install PackageManagement as outlined under Option 2.

If you only want to update the current PowerShell session you can run:

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

After running this command you can run


To validate that TLS12 is being used.
Once TLS 1.2 is enabled, you can successfully run the original command.

If you prefer to update your client so that you don’t need to run the command above in every PowerShell session, you can follow the instructions laid out here.

Option 2: Manually update PackageManagement

You can also update PackageManagement to a version that ships with the NuGet provider– that is PackageManagement or later.

Simply go to the PackageManagement package page on the PowerShell Gallery and under “Installation Options”, click on the “Manual Download” tab and then “Download the raw nupkg file”.

Manual Download Options

You can then go to your downloads folder and unzip the .nupkg.

You can then move the folder into your modules path. To find out what this specific path is, follow the steps specified in “How to find the versions you’re using” above. Use the first path listed.

Get-Module PackageManagement

Create a folder under the PackageManagement directory listed here. This new folder should have the same name as the PackageManagement version that was downloaded. For example, in the case above, under “C:Program FilesWindowsPowerShellModulePackageManagement” you would create a directory named “”. You can then place the contents of the unzipped nupkg into this newly created version directory.

After doing this, start a fresh session of PowerShell or run:

Import-Module PackageManagement -Force

You’re good to go

After completing either option 1 or 2 you should find your issue resolved. If not feel free to reach out via GitHub or Twitter.

The post When PowerShellGet v1 fails to install the NuGet Provider appeared first on PowerShell Team.